LOL I don't need reviews to know that a game based on a movie like Jurrasic Park is most likely garbage. :D Never even bothered looking into that game. The words: Dumb, Buggy, Weak-story, Very short, and horrible controls, immediately came into my mind. Of course I have no idea if I'm right, and don't really much care.
If a company has employees that do this, that says a lot to me about them and their games. First off, that the company was okay with releasing a poorly made game. They had to know that. Secondly, that the employees were so desperate to get higher sales, and maybe some excuses for their bosses, that they felt pressured enough to post these reviews. Well that says it by it's own self good enough, I think.
I tell you, the bigger a company gets the more blind they get to the truth right in front of their faces. They should all hire somebody who can say whatever they want and never get fired, as long as they give it to them straight that is...The offical title would be like: Spin-Finder or Truth-Beast or something. Genius! Ah, my fantasy world, a lovely place indeed. ;-P
Instead, Let us write this book: "How to Make a Crappy Game, and Lie Like Crap About It!"
WIth the following chapter titles:
Chapter One: "Oops. So you are making another crappy game."
Chapter Two: "Pretending it's not crappy, until it's too late to change it."
Chapter Three: "Staying the crappy course, and pretending it's genius."
Chapter Four: "What to do when the boss calls asking to see what you have, and you have nothing, but crap."
Chapter Five: "A quick guide to trashing the unique ideas, and squeezing out another clone, Part one."
Chapter Six: "Part two, yes it is this easy!"
Chapter Seven: "So you're now 3 months behind schedule? Take a vacation, it will help!"
Chapter Eight: "Oh, no! The boss is coming. How to pick the one person on the team that isn't a butt-kisser and blame it all on them!"
Chapter Nine: "How to fire the non-butt-kissing looser, and not have them go postal."
Chapter Ten: "The boss now knows it's a crappy game, time to rush it to completion before his boss finds out!"
Chapter Eleven: "Eleventh hour fixes. Who needs them? Not you!"
Chapter Twleve: "What to say before release day. How to make crap sound like candy."
Chapter Thirteen: "Writing false reviews: Includes standard forms copy and pastable, and hints on how to keep the vomit down as you type pure crap about crap."
Chapter Fourteen: "Release day, and how to not crap your pants."
Chapter Fifteen: "How to blame it all on the crappy publisher, who didn't give enough time or resources!"
Chapter Sixteen: "Bahamas"
Chapter Seventeen: "OH CRAP, this is real!"
Chapter Eighteen: "Finding a job in the fast food industry, Part one: So you want to be a fry cook."
Chapter Nineteen: "Part two: How to buy our book: Climbing the Fast Food Ladder Using Deceit, Lies, the Blame Game, and Other Crappy Crap. It Really Works!"
I hoped you liked it, sorry for going off topic, but, once I started well, I couldn't stop. ;-D
Truthfully I know it's hard work to make a game, even ones that turn out bad. I know someone put their heart, soul, and life into it. It's too bad all games dont' turn out good...Still who knows maybe this Jurrasic Park won't be all crap eh? ;)