Xoanon: Agreed, and while we are at it Fatal Frame as well.
SpooferJahk: Those would be great as well, seeing how the initial trilogy is kind of hard to acquire, and it could be an opportunity to release the fourth game outside of Japan as well.
Having the fourth game completely in English and not having to import it/mod a Wii would be great and was mainly what I was thinking of when I mentioned the series. That said, every game in the series is great and people should have access to them.
I have the first three on PS2, the first and third I bought off amazon.com new for around $30 a piece less than a year ago. The second however is the rare one and you will have to probably check ebay regularly for a decent price(probably $50+ for a 'very good' complete used copy, in my experience anything under very good is a crap shoot in regards to even basic playability).