Crassmaster: Quite loving and humane, when you consider the alternatives are either just releasing them in to the wild or stuffing more and more animals in to overcrowded cages. Shelters only have so much space. Blaming them for having to deal with a problem created by idiots who don't have the basic brain capacity to get their own pets spayed or neutered, or who get a pet and then leave it at a shelter after 2 weeks cause "Gosh, this is too haaaarrrrrrd..." is pretty stupid.
Virama: So how come we don't kill our crims in prison? Which is a stance I've always thought is appropriate. I don't mean the petty theft or shit, I'm talking about the hardened, 100% guilty arsewipes. KILL THEM ALL.
The whole thing is so moronic it's unbelievable. Oh noes! Spare the animals cruelty! But hey, here's our standards, don't let the pets free in their REAL environment because... well. It's wrong. WRONG I TELLS YA! *inject inject inject*
And there's Mr X the psycho out there raping and killing our kids. What a world. I guarantee you, if these fuckwits KNEW they would be executed if caught for their crimes, we'd all be far better off because the crime rate would drop. Drastically.
Um...what? What pet's 'real' environment is living free on the streets? Domesticated pets are not going to be living happy and free if you just open the shelter doors and let them out. A house cat is not a wild animal. And releasing it in to an urban environment is not exactly 'the wild' anyway. And if you release them away from a city, where are they going to go? Back to urban climes...because it's what they're used to. They'll head back towards people.
And if the death penalty is such a magic deterrent, then why hasn't the murder rate dropped noticeably anywhere where it exists?
And why the Hell are you mixing and matching death as a penalty for crimes to euthanizing pets? That has NOTHING TO DO WITH PENALTY. It's incredibly unfortunate, and the animals don't deserve it, but there becomes a point where there is no choice because WE are a collection of selfish gits that don't do right by pets, abandon them, don't get them spayed/neutered, etc.