Rucksack: There is no self evidential ethical basis not to eat animals. If the argument is that taking life to sustain one's self is wrong, then one must point to the actual reason why. This goes for the concept of animal rights as well.
My ethical basis is that taking the lives of animals to get food to eat when it is not needed is wrong. If however it is needed, like if you get stranded on a lonely island with your kids who need a nutritious diet to become healthy and no legumes in sight it is your right to kill animals for you to eat. If you live in a country where you can buy both some kind of grains as well as either beans, lentils, chick peas or some other kind of legumes you don't need to and therefore I think it is wrong.
The killing of an animal is however a very small evil compared to the gruesome life that most of the animals that become food for Europeans and Americans have to live. I find this horrendous. If you go out into the woods and shoot a deer yourself I find it a hundred times less immoral than going to the supermarket and buying a chicken or parts of a pig.
I find this suffering wrong because most likely these animals have many feelings that are similar or analogous to me. All this is speculation since none of us actually knows how it feels to be a pig or a cow, but biologists have found more and more things that we once looked upon as uniquely human in other animals.
Rucksack: Animals eat other animals, and don't respect the "right" of their prey to be free from suffering. This is the way the biosphere works.
Yes, but we are not part of the biosphere anymore. Almost all of the vegetables and meat we consume is obtained from farming. The exception is fish for most of the fish we consume are still fished from the oceans.
The argument about what is natural or not does not hold any water. We have gone away from many natural things and rightly so. Dying of diseases is natural, curing them with modern medicine is not, I think we both agree that modern medicines, for the most part is a good thing.
We have set ourselves truly above other animals, for good and ill. One of the good things is that we have a moral choice. Simple morals have been observed in other animals as well, though not comparable to ours.
We can choose whether we want other higher beings to suffer or not. For me the choice is an easy one.
Rucksack: This is the way our own bodies are designed as well. We are omnivorous, and the only way that we can sustain a meat free diet healthfully is through vitamin substitution and great personal cost. This is the reason why you don't see "poor" vegans or vegetarians, at least in the US.
I think you should know a little more about the subject before you speak, otherwise you might end up with spreading myths.
Yes we are omnivorous, that does not mean that we need food from both animals and vegetables, only that we can feed from both.
There is no vitamins that is needed for vegetarians to be healthy that they must get through pills or other substitution. You are excused since this is a common myth. There was a concern before about B12, vegetarians seem to get enough of it through milk products and eggs but vegans should take B12 as a supplement. (This should not be very expensive.)
B12 deficiency is however very rare according to Wikipedia.
As for proteins you get all the essential (the ones that the body can't produce itself) ones from vegetables.
Rucksack: In the end. Eat what you want, but PETA needs to realize that their entire argument hinges on pure rhetoric. At it's core it's vacuous and indefensible.
PETA may be somewhat moronic but there is nothing wrong with their basic moral system.
It is no more indefensible to say that killing animals to eat them is wrong than saying killing humans to eat them is wrong.
Rucksack: Plus, you know, they're fucking morons.
Well what is this anger that you feel? Have their arguments offended you in any way? Let me ask you this. Have you ever felt disgust when you hear about people who just for the hell of it kill and torture animals? If you are like most people you will probably answer yes to this, and if you are like most people (outside of India) you probably think it is okay for animals to suffer a little for you to get some tasty meat. Have you ever thought that there might be some dissonance in this?