Aliasalpha: True, after all other than an overwhelming number of fossils that show clear progression from simple to complex, there's nothing to distinguish it from "Bam, MAGIC!"
Faithful: You are welcome to seek to minimize and poke fun at others believe systems (I am guessing to make your own belief feel better), but the fact remains there is no proof. If there were this would not be a debate, would it now.
Sorry but I fail to see the validity in any system of explaining the world that boils down to "God did it". No matter how far you drill down into a subject, there'll always be an unknown and if those unknowns are constantly assumed to be the actions of a deity, our understanding of the universe around us will eventually plateau and to noones detriment but our own.
Frankly if you sit down 100 people who are genuinely educated in the finer points of biology and ask them, 99 of them will tell you that there IS no debate about evolution and that the 100th person is a crackpot. At this stage, if creationists want to discredit evolution, the burden of proof is theirs.
Hypothesis: God created the universe.
Elements required to prove hypothesis: Proof of the existance of the Universe (Check!), Proof of the existance of god (Still waiting).
Take the classical and utterly ridiculous argument that the human eye is too complex and therefore proves the existance of god. Apply this argument to an early investigation of the eye and if the people in question were content to assume god did it (so hard to stop myself typing gog), they would have stopped studying the eye, we'd have no idea how it works and we'd have been robbed of corrective surgery, artificial optics and the very glasses essential to the saucy librarian look.
As for my belief system, I don't really have much of one. In my opinion, debating endlessly about subjects that are actively impossible to prove (god vs no god, star trek vs star wars, xbox vs ps3) wastes energy that could be used on helping people, making the world a better place or at least whacking off to internet porn. The loud and opinionated thiests & antithiests are both guilty of this, constant repetition of "How can you not believe in god"/"how can you believe in god?" (made worse by the fact that neither side says anything different) is time they could be spending tending the sick, writing music or staring lasciviously as the sweet, sweet arse of Saha Grey. Now as for the people who believe or don't believe and have the common decency to shut the fuck up about it, I'm perfectly neutral towards them.
Now the obvious question is why I'm posting in a thread like this. Simple really, I'm firmly of the opinion that humans are fucking stupid (browse the net for a few minutes if you disagree) and the only thing that provides a hope of our species getting better is education. Creationism taught as anything other than a far out and unrealistic guess which is and always will be impossible to prove is taking up time that can educate students in things that actually exist and is retarding the progress of the species as a whole. Unfortunately I couldn't think of a porn reference to end this paragraph with so I'll just simply say: BOOBIES!