Momo1991: I'm not great with "art" but here's my postcard from California....
Imagine a narrow, one-lane, windy, twisty road that begins in the valley of wine country, passes a gorgeous lake that you eventually see from far above as the pavement leans towards the dropoff as it hits another 90 degree turn... suddenly as you round another bend in towards the mountain you're climbing, a dozen feral pigs are leaping into the road, across and down the mountain - one of them spotted, all of them impossibly cute, especially the babies... The road becomes rougher and narrower (if that is even possible) and suddenly you are descending into ancient redwoods - the sides of the mountain are covered in moss and ferns and it's dark - very, very dark but the road does not stop twisting and snaking it's way up and down and around. Then a burst of civilization as you discover a native tribe - dogs roam the road and a few people mill along the edge looking at you curiously ... then you plunge back into more darkness and 100, 200, 300 foot trees lean across the road - a hairs breath or rather a roots breath from toppling in your path. A few miles more and suddenly there is light ahead, the road veers sharply down to a vision of the ocean... Sucess - you have lived the Stewarts Point - Skaggs Spring Road!