cioran: Most of the Interplay/Black Isle DnD games excluding the Icewind Dale ones (BG1,BG2, PS:T) , especially as has been mentioned already - Planescape. The Bioware games Jade Empire and Mass Effect are mostly dialogue, too even if there's some fighting.
Most of the Troika games (FO,FO2, Arcanum, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines) are like that too - you can basically play through the game without combat if you'd like.
sheepdragon: Couple of things that is not completely correct...
The Baldur's Gate series (and the Infinity Engine it self) was developed by Bioware, and Fallout 1 & 2 was developed by Black Isle.
Technically, you're right. Well, half right. The infinity engine games were all published by Interplay/Black Isle. I never said they were all developed by them.
Troika did not exist when FO1 & 2 were dev'd (their first game was Arcanum), but the BI members involved in FO mostly went on to form the core of the Troika team. BI isn't really one dev, either. It was the name for interplay's in-house dev teams. Colloquially, I refer to the FO team's games as Troika's games. We'll split the difference? LOL. Perhaps I should've been a bit clearer on my use of retronym.
You are right - Bioware was the dev for BG1&2 (with BI/Interplay as the co-dev/co-pub). Bioware never really got marquee billing as a dev until after KoTOR (even though they did come through with lots of great games prior), so the name doesn't really jump off the box cover until after that. With JE and ME it's in big bold letters. I tend to think of their earlier games in terms of the publisher, Interplay, but that's just me.
Some clarification: FO1&2 are BI/Interplay, but the Troika dev team is mostly the BI members who worked on FO1&2. Most of the BI/Planescape team members wound up at Obsidian. It gets incestuous after that. Obsidian keeps picking up sequels from Bioware (KoTOR2, NWN2).
Back on topic:
OP, you ever play PC adventure games? Like Dreamfall? The Longest Journey? That kind of thing? You may like them, a lot. Lots of dialogue choices, virtually no combat. I know a lot of people are soured on the genre, but there are a lot of really good games in it.