For once my post was not a concise attempt at proving anything but merely a bundle of thoughts.
orcishgamer: That's quiet good, but isn't that basically the exception that proves the rule?
I just felt like linking to it.
orcishgamer: If you don't think you've seen this in the games you've played... well, I don't know which games you play, you're going to have to make yourself the qualified one to judge given the circumstances.
Can you point to anything yourself ? Have you actually experienced this first-hand or were you merely moved by the video you've linked and convinced by the arguments presented within it ?
To clarify - I'm asking, not arguing. I'm trying to understand the issue better, not desperately prove some preconceived idea.
orcishgamer: Whether it exists in the games you play or whether your strong female leads are actually just well dressed tropes in disguise or genuinely decent depictions I cannot say.
As Max Payne adequately put it - "nothing is a cliche when it's happening to you". I don't see games as blocks of code or characters as bundled tropes (Uhm... In the literary sense, not ontological one). My suspension of disbelief is incredibly resilient and unless something dramatically shakes the very foundations of the reality I'm in at a given moment, I am blind to conventions and cliches. I am Ulysses tied to the mast with my ears uncovered - I listen to the sirens' song from the safety of my computer chair.
Perhaps the moral of this story is that I am an incredibly naive person and as such - am willing to let a lot more things slide. Perhaps it is my imagination that embellishes every world I explore.
I know one thing - I prefer to judge people with an open mind. I'm strongly oppose bigotry against fictional characters. I you've heard a similar story - forget about it for the duration of this one. If you've met a similar person - withold your memories and let this one be herself and not a mere shadow.
It works in real life too. You could call me a cliched lanky, white, long-haired nerd... but I wouldn't like it, being constructed out of leftovers from your previous experiences.
I don't believe "originality" is the only virtue and goal in art. That's goddamn modernism, we're past that.
It's amazing, BTW, how strongly this irked me. "They're MY characters, damnit ! You stop insulting them THIS INSTANT !" ;P
orcishgamer: Imo, no, I mean it might be for some, but the majority of folks who play games are exposed to teasers, trailers, art, fan art, models (aka booth babes), and all manner of things in order to sell a game. This exposure will shape expectations and preconceptions about the game, some of which the devs and publishers will be well served to meet.
That's a coherent reasoning that leads absolutely nowhere. Think about it - there are many ways games can be played but making them shallow showcases for erotic art is pointless. Masturbation is a spectator sport, it doesn't necessarily leave you with focus and dexterity needed for the multitude of gaming activities. On the other hand - there are plenty of external to gaming materials that work at arousing a lot better.
OK, so let's assume that you merely mean having "sexified" characters within the game... Are they supposed to be shallow ? Guess what - that doesn't work all too well. Once again - which genres ? Depending on the answer, you can probably quite easily figure out why empty shells would be pointless, no matter how sexy their looks. If they are going to be both attractive and have a mind of their own - problem fricken solved.
Ugh... IDK - post your thoughts on how sexy concept art seeps into the final product. Like I said - I want to understand it but I don't.
orcishgamer: Actually, I find that one to be a pretty good example of what I'm talking about, the only thing semantic is her clothing.
Sorry for stepping down into ad hominem territory but... you are EXTREMELY heterosexual. To elaborate on what Jaime said... First - a link: Secondly - my thoughts on your reactions: as soon as you notice a significant enough degree of nudity or anything suggestive, you seem to discard other factors and fixate on the female in question as... "an experiencer" rather than "agent". I'd almost be willing to bet this instinct would've been dulled A LOT if you were presented a picture of an attractive man in... less than casual attire. You'd be able to "see past".
The woman in the picture is looking right with a tired and worried look on her face. Whatever has agitated the cat (ocelot?) to her side is certainly not pleasing for her to see. As I'm glad you've noticed - her clothes ARE semantic. She appears to be druid or perhaps a shaman. Her connection with nature is underlined by her disregard for concealing clothing - she probably sees nothing wrong with the human body and doesn't think it is meant to be hidden in shame. She looks wearied, troubled. She's almost slumped over the pillar to her left, holding herself upright with a spear or a staff. She is likely contemplating what to do - she appears to be burdened by some responsibility. Perhaps she is not merely a spiritual but also a more general leader ? The markings on her body are of ritual nature and probably endow her or help her channel magical energy.
Does she really still look like a stereotypical bimbo ? A mere drawing meant merely or mainly for arousal ?
Let's assume the character isn't even in the game - doesn't the cover convey ideas like "nature", "strife", "leadership", etc. ? "Rise of the elves". Seems fitting.
If we conclude that it could've been done in a different way... we're suggesting that there is something inherently wrong with what the picture presents. But there isn't don't you think ?
orcishgamer: I don't mind titty shots, even tasteless ones
I'm glad there's something we can both agree on ^^.
orcishgamer: if that's all you can tell me about the game, though, I fail to be intrigued.
Bingo ! And that's partly why I disagreed with you before - I don't think anyone is dumb enough to go "Oooh, pretty... Let's buy this and hope there's more within ^^!".
Damn - it is like with people isn't it ? A glimmer of an earing or botomless cleavage CAN pique your interest... but if there isn't much more substance behind it, that pretty cover can go to hell.
But it doesn't hurt to have that "boxart" catch your eye, does it ;) ?
That's why I insisted on a "don't judge a book by its cover" kind of thing. You can have all the jiggling goodness you want - if a fighting game doesn't provide enough variety, a good enough balance, an interesting mix od playable characters, crisp controls and - in general - good mechanics... It's not much of a fighting game, is it ? In such a case, I'd rather ogle the characters on Rule34 than play something fundamentally broken just to enjoy the eye-candy.
orcishgamer: you seem to be more personally interested in the games you play
Like I said - if you're willing to drop some names, I may give them a look. I was mostly trying to say that this CANNOT be as endemic as you claim.
Or perhaps I am simply oblivious and overlook the abundant examples...
Also - my favorite trailer of all time ;P.