Syniurge: System Shock 2 with SS2Tool installed works fine here on Vista 32, videos and everything.
There are indeed more than 3 videos (the short cutscenes at the beginning after each choice of training course)
Err.. Wow. You just inadvertantly struck the mother lode by mentioning SS2Tool. According to the post I read (not sure if I can link it? Kolya's SS org site) by the Kolya, after the Indeo debacle with XP, Microsoft actually slipped an older version back into Vista and Windows 7 to get around the rights that Ligos now hold?!
So for anyone wanting to get the videos working without losing their hair, and presumably if you're running Vista or Windows 7 (apparently both 32 bit and 64 bit works, I can only confirm that it works for me with 7 64bit), the steps are fairly easy.
"Got to: Start -> Accessories -> Right click: DOS prompt
Select: Run As Administrator
Type: regsvr32 "c:\your\path\to\SS2\LGVID.AX" Return
On 32bit systems type: regsvr32 ir50_32.dll Return
On 64bit systems type: regsvr32 "%windir%\sysWOW64\ir50_32.dll" Return
On Vista/Windows7 run SS2 as admin"
I can't remember if I registered LGVID earlier when I booted my PC, but the only command I put in was the one that applies to the 64bit systems. I'm also guessing you'd have to run that command every time you reboot? I'd say so, anyway.
So yeah.. About 6 years of not being able to play System Shock 2, and now I can after a few small steps. Keep in mind that I applied the official patch (patches to 2.3? Or is it 2.03?), and at the game menu I have to bring up Task Manager, fiddle with the CPU affinity for the exe and icd so it only runs on one core.
If Microsoft can pull off such a dastardly maneuvre with the Indeo codecs, maybe they aren't such a problem? But getting part of the rights from a defunct developer sounds like as much fun as trying to wrestle EA and SquareEnix.