Posted March 13, 2014
Well I just finished System shock 2 for the first time. And by that I mean about an hour ago. So did I like it. Short answer, yes. Long answer, well.......
Let me put it like this. Before 2011 I'd never thought of seeing video games as anything more that a pastime when listening to audiobooks. I can list most of the games I'd played before then then now.
Orly's draw a story, Lemmings. Worms 2. The Simpson's Hit and Run, Midtown Madness 1&2, Age of Empires 2 and 3. Rome and medieval 2: Total war, and Dawn of War.
None of them games you paly for the story. But as the winter of '11 closed in and I was forced to finaly get and internet connection for my room I decieded to get two games the required internet connection to test it out. I randomly chose The Orange Box and Bioshock.........
I didn't expect to play Bioshock for more than 10 minutes (I couldn't imagine that playing a first-person-perspective game would be anything more than a headache) Three sleepless nights later I was a gaming convert.
Bioshck was not only my first serious game (No insult intended to Age of Empires 2, I still love you) but over time it has become my favourite narrative work in any medium. I've played through it 10 times at least. I know more about the contents of Rapture than my own bedroom. And I Also loved Bioshock Infinite, what I played through 4 times.
So of course I was obsessed with being able to play System shock 2. How could I not what to play the game that inspired Bioshock? It got to the point where I had dreams about being able to play it. So why didn't I play it as soon as it came to GOG? Well I wanted to wait till the time was perfect. No distractions. No interruptions. And that time came up just last week.
Maybe I shouldn't have waited so long. It's hard not to hang around GOG and the PC-cenrtiic side of Youtube without reading a hundred comment that basicly say "Bioshock is crap. SS2 is infinity better". Apart hearing my favourite work of fiction stinging a little they all have a Duke Nukem Forever effect of hyping the game to an unreal standard to were if it wasn't perfect beyond description it would be a disappointment........
System Shock 2 isn't perfect beyond description.
I could go on a Spoonyone style rant about everything wrong with this clunky, awkward, indecisive, unbalanced, underwritten, mess of a game! But I wont. I'd be trolling if I did because even with every one of this game's many flaws leaping out at me like warts on a supermodel I can't say it's a bad game.
But please le me give a a few reasons why System Shock 2 in no way makes me feel stupid for preferring Bioshock.
1: Combat
One, slightly baffling complante people make against Bioshock is that it's combat sucks. I've always felt the combat in it was great, but what I really don't see is why SS2 gets a free pass? Combat consists of one type. Shoot at enemy in corridor with correct ammunition till they fall over. Not exactly ground-breaking. It's slow and samey and feels more like an inconvenience than anything else. I've had so much fun finding creative ways to kill things in Bioshock. In SS2 creativeity seems limited to using the anti-personnel rounds on organic life and Armour- piercing rounds on robots (For the record I played as a marine. Maybe all the fun stuff is in the psi-skills, I don't now).
For those who'd say it's unfair to compare a 1999 game's combat with a 2008 here is a list of pre 1999 games that I felt had better combat that System Shock 2
Half-fife, Unreal, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Doom, Quake 2, Dark Forces Shogo Mobile Armour Division, Heretic, Crusader No Remorse, Gunstar Heroes. Jedi Knight, and Rise of the Triad.
In other words I can't believe SS2's combat seemed good, even at the time,
2: Balance and inconsistent mood
Obviously I'm still new round here and have been mostly sticking to the classics but I feel I can safely say that System Shock 2 is the most poorly balanced game I've ever completed (Did the whole ting on the normal setting). What I mean by this is that difficultly seems to only come in to verities. Insultingly easy and hard as fuck. neither of which help its case as a horror game. It's impossible to feel scared when you are dying and reloading every 5 seconds (although it can get very frustrating) It takes me out of the game somewhat. And when it's easy the enemies inspire laughter rather than fear. All the best horror moments were story driven. I will be seeing Shodan in my nightmares.
Also any game where the measly little wrench you get at the start of the game is more of a threat to most enemies than the grenade launcher feels like it's having a laugh at my expense. It kinda kills the horror mood when getting close to enemies is usually your best option. Speaking of things that kill the horror mood, The Force field gun might just be the funniest gun in any FPS game I've played. But I don't think that's what they were going for.
It feel like half the team wanted to make a hardcore, old-school dungeon crawler like Ultima Underworld and the other half wanted to make a narrative, driven horror experience and no-one stopped to wonder if these togoals might be slightly at odds with each other.
Finally. I hate boss fights. 90% of the ones I've played felt to me like irritating filler. If you were to ask me "What is the worse kind of boss fight" I'd say. "The kind where the boss is like a puzzle but you can't focus on the puzzle because there are 40 other enemies try to kill you and even though you want to kill them there's no point because the game is always spawning in more"...... The penultimate boss fight made me want to cry. It seemed tailor made to make me want to rage-quit. The final boss fight was a cakewalk by comparison.
3: Cheapness.
Enemy spawns. I get why this game has respawning enemies, I do. But it can be very cheap with them. I actually spotted enemies spawning in once or twice. Shameful. Quite often enemies will spawn right behind you like some kind of joke.
I had a lot of fun hacking stuff in Bioshock. I understand that most people didn't like the hacking minigame, but atleast it required player input. Hacking in SS2 is pure luck from all I saw. The only player input s whether you want to blow your modules on upgrades that wait the dice in you favour. Or you can save-scum till you get the results you want, that works too.
If there if one key difference between BIo and System Shock it's that Bioshock is like an indulgent grandfather who gives you all your toys at once and SS2 is like a strict aunt who ill only let you have a few toys at a time. The ame seems to say "You mean you want guns and hacking and psychic powers? Do you think you're here to have fun or something?" People say this give the game great replayability and maybe they're right. But so far I can't agree that SS2 has greater depth than Bioshock. Bioshock had all the fiddly perks and upgrades too it just let you have way more of them.
Also First person platforming in the game sucks. I know apart from Portal it sucks generally. But it sucks even more here thanks to the game's weird physics.
4: Narative.
You'll be pleased to hear I don't have many gripes with the narrative. Only that compared to Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite it feels kind of thin and undercooked (ironic as I'm used to reading about how Bioshock is a watered-down SS2) Every inch of rapture was steeped in narrative. The characters from those games feel like old friends to me now (psychotic and racist friends I'd never show to my mother, but still....) SS2 feel kind of barebones my comparison. But may that will change. With the other games I found the narrative got stronger with repeat playthroughs and maybe it will be the same here.
My only other problem was with The Many's repeated whining of "Why do serve the machine mother?" By the end I want to yell at them "Because she's the only thing on this space ship that hasn't tried to kill me on site, that's why! Maybe if we had a man to gelatinous blob talk you could sell me on this joining The Many thing". It's like a bully whining about being hit back. Hypocritical.
For an "RPG" there really doesn't seem to be any role-play in this game. That Seems to be the case with most RPG I've played (Fallout, Plainscape and Mass Effect are in my backlog. I'll get round to Playing them someday, I swear!!!"
So with all that out the way what do I think of System Shock 2? It's pretty good. If you can think yourself back to 1999 it's a huge step up in terms First-person, in-game narrative from say Half-life. I will never forget Shodan and the the soundtrack is great. I don't see it as a classic that wipes the floor with it's successors. But It's like I say. Being first doesn't matter. Being seen first is often what matters.
But maybe this game will grow on me.
Thanks for reading :)
PS sorry for the wall of text. I hope his isn't too long. Also I still haven't played Bioshock 2
Let me put it like this. Before 2011 I'd never thought of seeing video games as anything more that a pastime when listening to audiobooks. I can list most of the games I'd played before then then now.
Orly's draw a story, Lemmings. Worms 2. The Simpson's Hit and Run, Midtown Madness 1&2, Age of Empires 2 and 3. Rome and medieval 2: Total war, and Dawn of War.
None of them games you paly for the story. But as the winter of '11 closed in and I was forced to finaly get and internet connection for my room I decieded to get two games the required internet connection to test it out. I randomly chose The Orange Box and Bioshock.........
I didn't expect to play Bioshock for more than 10 minutes (I couldn't imagine that playing a first-person-perspective game would be anything more than a headache) Three sleepless nights later I was a gaming convert.
Bioshck was not only my first serious game (No insult intended to Age of Empires 2, I still love you) but over time it has become my favourite narrative work in any medium. I've played through it 10 times at least. I know more about the contents of Rapture than my own bedroom. And I Also loved Bioshock Infinite, what I played through 4 times.
So of course I was obsessed with being able to play System shock 2. How could I not what to play the game that inspired Bioshock? It got to the point where I had dreams about being able to play it. So why didn't I play it as soon as it came to GOG? Well I wanted to wait till the time was perfect. No distractions. No interruptions. And that time came up just last week.
Maybe I shouldn't have waited so long. It's hard not to hang around GOG and the PC-cenrtiic side of Youtube without reading a hundred comment that basicly say "Bioshock is crap. SS2 is infinity better". Apart hearing my favourite work of fiction stinging a little they all have a Duke Nukem Forever effect of hyping the game to an unreal standard to were if it wasn't perfect beyond description it would be a disappointment........
System Shock 2 isn't perfect beyond description.
I could go on a Spoonyone style rant about everything wrong with this clunky, awkward, indecisive, unbalanced, underwritten, mess of a game! But I wont. I'd be trolling if I did because even with every one of this game's many flaws leaping out at me like warts on a supermodel I can't say it's a bad game.
But please le me give a a few reasons why System Shock 2 in no way makes me feel stupid for preferring Bioshock.
1: Combat
One, slightly baffling complante people make against Bioshock is that it's combat sucks. I've always felt the combat in it was great, but what I really don't see is why SS2 gets a free pass? Combat consists of one type. Shoot at enemy in corridor with correct ammunition till they fall over. Not exactly ground-breaking. It's slow and samey and feels more like an inconvenience than anything else. I've had so much fun finding creative ways to kill things in Bioshock. In SS2 creativeity seems limited to using the anti-personnel rounds on organic life and Armour- piercing rounds on robots (For the record I played as a marine. Maybe all the fun stuff is in the psi-skills, I don't now).
For those who'd say it's unfair to compare a 1999 game's combat with a 2008 here is a list of pre 1999 games that I felt had better combat that System Shock 2
Half-fife, Unreal, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Doom, Quake 2, Dark Forces Shogo Mobile Armour Division, Heretic, Crusader No Remorse, Gunstar Heroes. Jedi Knight, and Rise of the Triad.
In other words I can't believe SS2's combat seemed good, even at the time,
2: Balance and inconsistent mood
Obviously I'm still new round here and have been mostly sticking to the classics but I feel I can safely say that System Shock 2 is the most poorly balanced game I've ever completed (Did the whole ting on the normal setting). What I mean by this is that difficultly seems to only come in to verities. Insultingly easy and hard as fuck. neither of which help its case as a horror game. It's impossible to feel scared when you are dying and reloading every 5 seconds (although it can get very frustrating) It takes me out of the game somewhat. And when it's easy the enemies inspire laughter rather than fear. All the best horror moments were story driven. I will be seeing Shodan in my nightmares.
Also any game where the measly little wrench you get at the start of the game is more of a threat to most enemies than the grenade launcher feels like it's having a laugh at my expense. It kinda kills the horror mood when getting close to enemies is usually your best option. Speaking of things that kill the horror mood, The Force field gun might just be the funniest gun in any FPS game I've played. But I don't think that's what they were going for.
It feel like half the team wanted to make a hardcore, old-school dungeon crawler like Ultima Underworld and the other half wanted to make a narrative, driven horror experience and no-one stopped to wonder if these togoals might be slightly at odds with each other.
Finally. I hate boss fights. 90% of the ones I've played felt to me like irritating filler. If you were to ask me "What is the worse kind of boss fight" I'd say. "The kind where the boss is like a puzzle but you can't focus on the puzzle because there are 40 other enemies try to kill you and even though you want to kill them there's no point because the game is always spawning in more"...... The penultimate boss fight made me want to cry. It seemed tailor made to make me want to rage-quit. The final boss fight was a cakewalk by comparison.
3: Cheapness.
Enemy spawns. I get why this game has respawning enemies, I do. But it can be very cheap with them. I actually spotted enemies spawning in once or twice. Shameful. Quite often enemies will spawn right behind you like some kind of joke.
I had a lot of fun hacking stuff in Bioshock. I understand that most people didn't like the hacking minigame, but atleast it required player input. Hacking in SS2 is pure luck from all I saw. The only player input s whether you want to blow your modules on upgrades that wait the dice in you favour. Or you can save-scum till you get the results you want, that works too.
If there if one key difference between BIo and System Shock it's that Bioshock is like an indulgent grandfather who gives you all your toys at once and SS2 is like a strict aunt who ill only let you have a few toys at a time. The ame seems to say "You mean you want guns and hacking and psychic powers? Do you think you're here to have fun or something?" People say this give the game great replayability and maybe they're right. But so far I can't agree that SS2 has greater depth than Bioshock. Bioshock had all the fiddly perks and upgrades too it just let you have way more of them.
Also First person platforming in the game sucks. I know apart from Portal it sucks generally. But it sucks even more here thanks to the game's weird physics.
4: Narative.
You'll be pleased to hear I don't have many gripes with the narrative. Only that compared to Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite it feels kind of thin and undercooked (ironic as I'm used to reading about how Bioshock is a watered-down SS2) Every inch of rapture was steeped in narrative. The characters from those games feel like old friends to me now (psychotic and racist friends I'd never show to my mother, but still....) SS2 feel kind of barebones my comparison. But may that will change. With the other games I found the narrative got stronger with repeat playthroughs and maybe it will be the same here.
My only other problem was with The Many's repeated whining of "Why do serve the machine mother?" By the end I want to yell at them "Because she's the only thing on this space ship that hasn't tried to kill me on site, that's why! Maybe if we had a man to gelatinous blob talk you could sell me on this joining The Many thing". It's like a bully whining about being hit back. Hypocritical.
For an "RPG" there really doesn't seem to be any role-play in this game. That Seems to be the case with most RPG I've played (Fallout, Plainscape and Mass Effect are in my backlog. I'll get round to Playing them someday, I swear!!!"
So with all that out the way what do I think of System Shock 2? It's pretty good. If you can think yourself back to 1999 it's a huge step up in terms First-person, in-game narrative from say Half-life. I will never forget Shodan and the the soundtrack is great. I don't see it as a classic that wipes the floor with it's successors. But It's like I say. Being first doesn't matter. Being seen first is often what matters.
But maybe this game will grow on me.
Thanks for reading :)
PS sorry for the wall of text. I hope his isn't too long. Also I still haven't played Bioshock 2
Post edited March 13, 2014 by Johnmourby