El_Caz: I always saw remakes in Hollywood as a lack of creativity on Hollywood's part. Now it's happening to video games. I should try and see them as an opportunity for newer audiences to play old classics with better graphics, but I seriously doubt older games who have played the classics in their youth will find the same thrills in the remakes that they did in the originals. They'll always have something to compare them to also.
Surely with today's technology we can make prettier and more complex games than we did yesterday but as a player or as a movie viewer, what you really remember from an experience at the theater or at playing a game is not so much the pretty pictures but how the game or movie made you feel. The level of fun and entertainment you had with a product is what really has to be surpassed in a remake to make it successful.
While what you said is true, a large part of gamer's personal favourite old games is largely emotional, and something that can't really be re-achieved. When I re-play BG, it isn't nearly as good as I remember it for example.
However while I havn't played syndicate, I loved X-com apocalypse and rebooting the series as a FPS is just disappointing. I hope it turns out good but I would rather it be a tactical game, not just because I want to play the original in a spruced up engine (and relive those great X-com moments- which I accept I can't to an extent) but because I like tactical games, X-com was loved due to the gameplay and genre, by changing it to a FPS they keep the name but abandon that which all the fans loved about it.
I accept a new X-com tactical game won't make me feel like I did when I played it when I was 13, but I would still enjoy it more than yet ANOTHER FPS.
Regardless, I hope it turns out well.