ET3D: That it's a good SP experience is what makes me excited about playing it. What about the restrictions bothers you? Far as I can tell it should be possible to play through most of the game's content with these restrictions.
I don't know about you, but having to stop experiencing said story on one of my free Saturday mornings due to a poorly implemented F2P velvet rope would piss me off. Those restrictions could limit you to a couple of hours of play per week (or at least it sounds that way). I don't know about you, but that's not how I play games. I suspect most people gorge themselves on a game in short spurts and Bioware knows it and hopes to get folks to open their wallet. There's a bunch of dead F2P games that also thought the same thing...
anjohl: Where I have a problem is the Turbine model, where you have consumables you can buy which give you an advantage, which means that person A that pays $X a month is weaker than someone that plays F2P, but spends $100 on items.
You realize that Turbine gives VIPs (subscribers) 500 DDO points per month, in addition to the points you may earn via favor, right?
And if someone pays 100 dollars per month, they are actually paying more than you. I never had a problem with DDO's consumables, I've done Shroud and a lot of the older high end content (none of the new stuff) and never needed any of that shit even once. The summonable rest shrine could be a raid saver, I can see that, I've just never been in a raid that needed one.
Turbine is the model I like best for F2P, you can get most of that shit in game, hell, they give away extras during holidays, winter cookies do much of the stuff those consumables do. All the money does is saves you a bit of grinding.
ET3D: I'm not sure why you'd think about it another way. It's as if you're looking at playing an MMO as a chore.
I have less time than there are games in which to invest. SWTOR, if it were on the brink of being gone, would be a poor investment. There's a ton of other games that might still be there if I were to come back in a year.