Leucius: So in an effort to cut down on cost and eventually give up smoking entirely, I'm switching to e-cigs today with the occasional regular cigarette.
I'm hopeful that it works, I know my lung stash is starting to pay the price from years of smoking. Wish me luck!
Any tips from other former smokers besides the usual "Always have hard candy" etc? I know not to be around cigarettes if I can help it, and I am trying to tell myself that I'm stronger than the nicotine, but damn this addiction is fierce.
Hello there fellow smoker.
I have an e-cigarette at home and frankly I stopped using it.
Where should I start hmm... the way I experienced it:
- a LOT cheaper
- 95% 'healthier' (You inhale vapor with nicotine
- Customize your own preferred e-cigarette out of the hundreds that are out there
- Your house will not smell like smoke
- And so will you
- Your lung capacity will increase so your physical condition will improve
- You can smoke anywhere you want. In busses, trains, might even be in airplanes, stores, at your work/desk
- A sense of freedom, not being attached to those cigarettes
- It takes research time in order to figure out which kind you want. What parts does it consist of, which liquids are out there, how much etc etc. It's almost a whole study
- It takes time refilling and you look like a drug addict while doing so. :P
- Maintenance of your electronic cigarette. Parts expire and have to be bought again. (still replacing parts is not as expensive as to continueing your smoking habit)
- You may get strange looks from people in the streets/at work/etc
- This last one is the reason it did not work out so well for me: It takes a lot longer before the nicotine you take in takes effect. You have to come to terms that you will not get a quick nicotine fix
Also: Stress is a big reason to switch back to normal cigarettes again. Don't be the idiot I am. :P