darthspudius: SO back on the subject, a couple of posts make it sound like I am being a prude. I am guessing that's the generation that this form of "language" is aimed at. Can someone actually justify that kind repetition of cursing every 2 seconds? It sounds like a 14 year old trying to be edgy and grown up.
Why is liking profanity a sign of adolescence to you? It can be really funny and fitting in games like Kingpin, I think Fallout had a couple of fucks back then,too. Do you think only 13 year olds watch The Big Lebowski?
Fenixp: Oh I'm not saying 90% of new games are crap - I'm saying 90% of all games are crap, new and old. We just had the fortune to forget about those 90% in case of older titles.
Blah I'm so tired of people trying to sound smart by stating that back then crap games came out,too. Sure maybe even 90%, but the difference to today is that 10% were good. Now we still have 90% crap, lots of mediocre stuff and maybe 1 or 2 Eadors per year.