akwater: Oh man... sorry... if you played Ancient Domains of Mystery i could give you hints, I never really got into Nethack...
No problem, thanks anyway. I'll give a look at Ancients Domains of Mystery.
Barefoot_Monkey: I forgot to say this earlier, but that thing I mentioned about eating meat applies only to monks.
But what should I eat? For what I know, or I eat corpses, or I buy food from a seller, but that's rare to find.
Barefoot_Monkey: When you are in serious trouble you can pray to your god for help by typing #pray. Gods like it if you pray occasionally, but quickly get irritated if you pray too often, so save praying for emergencies.
But first I need to offer sacrifices for the god, or no?
JudasIscariot: When trying out unidentified wands ALWAYS stay as far away as possible from any walls because projectile spells WILL bounce back at you and KEEL you.
Thanks, this will probably save me from a stupid death.
JudasIscariot: Make sure you can learn and use Identify it will prevent problems later on.
How I learn that?
Barefoot_Monkey: If you see a "grey stone" then kick it. It if cannot be moved (you might hurt your foot but that heals soon enough) then it is probably a loadstone - do not pick it up ever. If it goes flying then it is safe to pick up (unless it is a luckstone, as those are cursed but useful if you have a way of uncursing them).
Speaking of stones, I found a big stone and when I touched it, I discovered that it was a mimic, I had to kill it, but was a tough fight. I wanna know if these guys are common ennemies. I hope not.
Orryyrro: You will escape after several turns of trying.
ADDED: Also, biggest hint: You have time to think out your moves, nothing happens unless you do something. Also, get used to dying, it will happen quite a bit.
Thanks it worked. Some grid bugs
tried to kill me in the process, but no big deal.
peke: Monk isn't very newbie friendly class to begin with. Namely because of the penalties you get from wearing body armor and eating corpses. Easiest classes to begin with are valkyrie and barbarian, first one gets good starting AC and HP, latter one starts with the invaluable poison resistance. Personally I'd recommend playing around with every class so you'll learn to how to cope with various situations, lack of food, proper weapons, resistances, how and when to use ranged weapons, etc.
I didn't chose Monk, I just selected random in the options. I've heard good things about the valkyrie, I'll try this class if/when my monk die.
peke: Speed is of essence, but you are in no rush. You don't have to go down as quickly as possible, you don't have to kill every monster you see. There is no shame in running from a fight. Going too deep without proper armor and/or weapons is the easiest way to get killed.
Wise words, I'll keep this in mind.
peke: And most importantly, when you die, stop for a second and think why you died. And trust me, you will die a lot. Did you have to fight that monster? Did you have something in your inventory you could've used? Did you eat poisonous corpse, zapped wrong kind of a wand? Winners never quit, quitters never win. Learn by dying.
Yes, if I learn from my mistakes, I won't do it again (hopefully).
Barefoot_Monkey: If you kill a lichen, grab the corpse and keep it for emergencies. Lichen never rots. Other corpses should be eaten while still fresh, as they rot soon and can give you deadly food poisoning.
Lichens corpses don't rot? This is great!
Barefoot_Monkey: Lizard corpses are very useful mid-to-late game. Save every one you find. Like lichens, they never rot. Eating a lizard cures you of turning-to-stone.
Just a few monsters have the ability to paralyze the character, right? My friend told me to stay away from a flying eye.