Posted September 29, 2009
Which begs the question: why an all-new title, and not just a range of DLC? Ono says the changes are so extensive that they couldn't just be tacked on, so a disc release was necessary.
You know, this reminds me of the whole L4D2 ordeal.
Except with L4D2 you don't get a bonus for owning both and it's full priced.
You know, I could be technical on your post, but honestly? It's just sad you have an attitude towards L4D2 like this. Plus it's 2:40 AM.
I'm lucky I held out...but this kind of "re-release" is somewhat surprising. Capcom should've known that they would have to do numerous tweaks. That's part of what makes good fighters. So setting up a system where they have to basically sell the game again to balance the game sort of shoots them in the foot. Though I guess that's not entirely their fault, what with console companies being jackasses with their systems (seriously, have you seen the amount of differences between all systems? It's a madhouse, not to mention all of the business aspects on consoles.).