Andy_Panthro: I really do like LOST, but hated Cloverfield.
Perhaps that's because LOST has had much more influence from Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof...
So long as there's no Blair Witch style shaky hand-held camera, I will give it a look.
The trailer showed nothing though, except for hinting at some sort of sci-fi action flick.
Oh come on, Blair Witch the first was nice back in the day; Today it's still nice, but after you've seen it one time, it looses 80% of the fun.
Cloverfield was cool, but way too hyped, I was expecting a lot more scenes with the military guys and how the whole city would react.
People recommended me to watch the spanish film [REC], I've found it okay... but just the ending was the high part of the film, IMO. Well recorded and good image quality for a low budget film, but I'm not easily scared, so... it was okay.
Really hoping that Super 8 is sci-fi-ish, aliens, secrets and all that. Super 8 is about Area 51, in 1979.
michaelleung: That's funny because I hate Lost (at least after like what, six seasons?), but I love Cloverfield, Fringe, Alias (when it was still around). I think this will turn out pretty cool.
Yeah, Lost is tiresome to follow but it pays off.
I've seen the first or second season of 24, and after those it became way too tiresome, then I dropped it.
Have so many cool tv series to follow, and so little time... sucks. =/ (Fringe, The Pacific, Caprica, etc)
Gundato: I need to watch Fringe some day. And not just because Pacey is on there (shoulda drowneded his ass in the creek, yo) and because Mark Valley (the live-action Ken Doll from Boston Legal and Human Target) was on for a few episodes.
Shame, I know zero actor names.
What matters for me is their performance and how nice it fits in the story, and that's it.