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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

All right, listen up Mr. “Vault Dweller.” There’s a war on between the [url=]Enclave and the--wait, what? Wrong game? Oh. But I have all of these notes ready for a different one! Look, there were even pictures and funny jokes. I mean, how often can you expect someone to use a pun on “albino scorpion”?

Fine, I’ll talk about this game instead. No, I’m not upset. It’s fine. Fine.

So there’s this game called Enclave, see? It’s fun, so you should buy it. It’s on sale even. Whatever.

What? No, I’m finished now. More? You want more details? I don’t—no, that’s fine, I guess. I’ll just, you know, do all my research. Again.

Enclave is a third person action adventure game, where you’re either a hero or a villain. The fate of Celenheim lies entirely in your hands: do you save the world or do you lead the army of the Dark in an invasion to conquer it.

That, well, that actually does sound pretty fun. Let’s see what else I can Google about it.

Play as one of twelve different characters utilizing different special powers and combat styles with different weapons and magical potions to help boost your already heroic powers. The Deg’Atar armies of the demon Lord Vatar are gathering in preparation to cross the rift that seperated the and of Celenheim from the ravening hordes of Dark, and you are the unlikely hero that Fate has decided should determine the future of the land. With interesting NPC’s and boss battles, more monsters than you can shake a sword at, and tons of different locations to explore, this game is an adrenaline-fueled romp sure to keep you glued to the screen from start to finish!

Available right now on for only $2.39, Enclave is a modern envisioning of traditional hack ‘n slash dungeon crawls, and one whose tactical flexibility and addictive gameplay makes it one our hidden gems that’s often overlooked. Don’t miss out—snag a copy of this game on sale today, and then check back tomorrow to see what the next Gaming Gem we’re offering is!
Own it, Great gameplay... Need to finish it soon.
That's very nice! I hope Arx Fatalis will be on promo too!
Does it play well with keyboard/mouse?
Ric1987: Does it play well with keyboard/mouse?
Indeed it does.
already own it
This looks interesting; I think another purchase may be in the offing.

Thanks GOG. I'm really enjoying your promo's. You're not going to please everybody but you're certainly pleasing me. :-)
Count me in.
How well would this perform on a netbook (dual core atom @ 1.6Ghz, Intel GMA 3150)? Looks to be one of those games that's on the borderline between 'possibly working well' and 'unplayably slow'.
Yay. :D
Ric1987: Does it play well with keyboard/mouse?
Maxxer: Indeed it does.
Alright, bought then. :)

I always meant to play it back when I had xbox but never got around to it.
Another TopWare game? That's five if I'm not mistaken. Again, I appreciate GOG offering good sales, but as I said during the hidden gem promo yesterday, a normal TopWare weekend sale would have been more convenient by far.
It's worth the $2.39 for what it offers...
Eh.... this "hidden gems" promo is now officially little more than a TopWare weekend promo spread out over an entire week, which is kind of disappointing. But I have to hand it to TheEnigmaticT, he always manages to come up with a clever idea to create some excitement.