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Meh I'm not excited about it at all to be honest. I'm on psyringe's side when it comes to saying the technical side doesn't mean much. It might be technically impressive, but that's not enough to make me want the game. The combat and physics may be realistic, but realism doesn't automatically make it fun. I think realism is oftentimes extremely dull in videogames. To me the combat looks tedious and slow. I know it's early but the environments look incredibly boring, their color scheme so far pretty much consists of grey and some green. Also after reading their "Sui Generic" update, I don't see anything that makes me terribly excited either. I don't share their extreme hatred of linear games or of "typical" fantasy games. The part where they discuss killing NPC's and a few other things can best be summed up by their own words " undoubtedly much of what we say sounds familiar and doesn't strike you as original'. Yup. It sounds like a bunch of stuff I've played before that really isnt much of an improvemnt over the type pf games that they hate. I also agree with SimonG's comment about how the page sounds like it was written by Peter Molyneux.

anyways....pass for now.
Post edited November 11, 2012 by CaptainGyro
The stated a short description for their Game now.

"GTA meets Morrowind ", and greatest Inspiration is Ultima

so i think you can imagine, in which direction this will go
I think that, no matter what happens with this KS project, we'll be seeing this engine used somewhere. I think my hope is that the KS is a success so the authors would be free from licensing constraints and, as a result, we (the users) would get more vs. having it licensed out to be used by someone else. I still think this project has a lot of potential, even with fewer details on the story and such at the moment.

I think, at this point, people expecting there to be a full story, character progression, and so forth are expecting too much. You have to start with a solid foundation that makes development of those things possible, right now they have a great start with the technical aspects of the game, the rest will come (which I'd imagine is part of it being on Kickstarter). Remember, KS isn't pre-ordering, you are investing in something so that it can come to fruition and resources can be spent developing it.

A KS project with a great story behind it, but poor technical basis is more likely to be a failure than a game with a great technical base and few "world" (character, story, etc) details developed is. That's my opinion anyway. The fact it's an investment means you are able to see what you want in it and invest if you feel it's worthwhile, but the whole point of it being on KS is so that further development can be possible.
Post edited November 11, 2012 by Shinook
Shinook: I think that, no matter what happens with this KS project, we'll be seeing this engine used somewhere. I think my hope is that the KS is a success so the authors would be free from licensing constraints and, as a result, we (the users) would get more vs. having it licensed out to be used by someone else. I still think this project has a lot of potential, even with fewer details on the story and such at the moment.

I think, at this point, people expecting there to be a full story, character progression, and so forth are expecting too much. You have to start with a solid foundation that makes development of those things possible, right now they have a great start with the technical aspects of the game, the rest will come (which I'd imagine is part of it being on Kickstarter). Remember, KS isn't pre-ordering, you are investing in something so that it can come to fruition and resources can be spent developing it.

A KS project with a great story behind it, but poor technical basis is more likely to be a failure than a game with a great technical base and few "world" (character, story, etc) details developed is. That's my opinion anyway. The fact it's an investment means you are able to see what you want in it and invest if you feel it's worthwhile, but the whole point of it being on KS is so that further development can be possible.
I think that's a good view. Frankly the more updates there are the more I feel that they're keeping things too vague. I was reminded of Humphrey from Yes (Prime) Minister. They're saying a lot of words without actually providing information about the game. (Except for update 3, which did offer some details.) What they did provide doesn't make me all that hopeful. For example on their forum they say that they want the player to easily get lost.
Honestly, I might back this kickstarter just because Bare Mettle has the moxie to say "We're doing this the way WE want, and if you don't like it, don't pledge." If I'm backing a kickstarter, it's because I trust the judgment and artistic vision of the design team. I really dislike the "design by committee" aspect so many kickstarters go for, with major design decisions being subordinated to whether a given "stretch goal" is reached, or being given away as high-tier pledge rewards.

Bare Mettle might not be giving out much info about the content of their game, but the fact that they aren't using stretch goals and have flat-out said that they don't care if their tight-lipped approach costs them pledges, suggests to me that they have a strong vision of what they want to create. I respect that kind of dedication to the art.
Azilut: Bare Mettle might not be giving out much info about the content of their game, but the fact that they aren't using stretch goals and have flat-out said that they don't care if their tight-lipped approach costs them pledges, suggests to me that they have a strong vision of what they want to create. I respect that kind of dedication to the art.
Well, I don't. I see this as amateurish, a feeling which follows my experience in the writing scene. Beginning writers often take an "I'm not going to tell you stuff" position, where they might not tell an editor the entire plot because they want to keep the surprises secret, or not show the story to others because they fear the unique points of it may be stolen.

To me the way they communicate suggests only a lack of experience and an inability to get the essence of what's important. I still have some trust in the game because I think that Madoc Evans, who's a technical guy, is the one who represents the studio, so his way of communication doesn't necessarily mean that the story's writing (if done by others) will be bad. Still, I can easily see how it's possible to impart more information without giving away any points which might lessen the fun.
ET3D: Well, I don't. I see this as amateurish, a feeling which follows my experience in the writing scene. Beginning writers often take an "I'm not going to tell you stuff" position, where they might not tell an editor the entire plot because they want to keep the surprises secret, or not show the story to others because they fear the unique points of it may be stolen.

To me the way they communicate suggests only a lack of experience and an inability to get the essence of what's important. I still have some trust in the game because I think that Madoc Evans, who's a technical guy, is the one who represents the studio, so his way of communication doesn't necessarily mean that the story's writing (if done by others) will be bad. Still, I can easily see how it's possible to impart more information without giving away any points which might lessen the fun.
Well I can see your point, and to be honest I was referring more to their refusal to compromise on some of the more heavily-criticized gameplay aspects than to their reluctance to divulge story details. I might feel differently if they were rejecting the advice of a seasoned publisher who knew whereof they spoke, but if you bend over backwards to try to please "the internet", you'll end up with a Frankenstein monster of a game that pleases no-one. So I still say I prefer this kind of stubborn, stick-to-your-guns approach over the "promise them anything that might get them to pledge" approach I've seen used in other kickstarters.

Of course, it probably doesn't hurt that I'm in the small minority to whom the points over which they're being stubborn actually sound really appealing. :p
I hate to say it, but odds aren't looking good.

They have 15 days left and are barely at 1/3rd of their funding :(
Typical problem. Great engine, great appearance, great interactivity, seem to have everything right. But they made one fatal mistake.

They marketed a game to an audience that can't pronounce the name.

"Psi General?
Sway Jeans?
Sue Jean Rick?

Feh, sounds like freedom fries to me. Now where's that video of the farting duck..."
I finally read Update #4. One part caught my attention.

We have been asked about character interactions and such. Well, sometimes we want to chat and sometimes we just want to kill stuff. Must be those hormones. Thing is, when the latter mood takes us, and some whining NPC decides to illustrate their sensitive nature to us, the solution is clear: smack 'em in the gob, throw 'em in the river, then perhaps evaluate whether their home looks to be a suitable place to store our booty. If this errant behaviour should upset someone, well, let them come. That, to us, is role playing. What we tend to be presented with in "games with choices" is something like this:

1) Help the distressed peasant now
2) Help the distressed peasant later
3) Help the distressed peasant reluctantly

That is not role playing. We don't know what it is, but we don't like it.

That is enough to make me want this game a little more. I really hate helpless, whiny NPCs that must be saved in RPGs.
Post edited November 15, 2012 by KyleKatarn
There is a new update, with a new video.
Explaining mostly the combat, to feed your appetite for gameplay infos

plus, they did an overhaul on their Front page, with more clearly statements
Post edited November 16, 2012 by ziegenpeter
new update:
they now have a writer on board (some here were concerned of their potential in writing/ story)
ziegenpeter: new update:
they now have a writer on board (some here were concerned of their potential in writing/ story)
That significantly increases my faith in this project (not that I have money to put into it anyway, I'm just saying). Although, as a commenter pointed out, the dialog is a bit too drawn out by witticisms, it's pretty good overall. Although I still feel like they need to talk more about their roleplaying potential by giving an actual example situation.
New Update. They've added more reward tiers, t-shirts, soundtracks, etc. Personally, I don't go in for the whole "swag" thing, but it might be an inducement to some.
Azilut: New Update. They've added more reward tiers, t-shirts, soundtracks, etc. Personally, I don't go in for the whole "swag" thing, but it might be an inducement to some.
I'm a music nerd, so I love OSTs, but otherwise I agree. Especially for shirts, I don't like wearing shirts with lots of stuff on 'em, because I don't like people trying to read it when I'm talking to them.