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(Keep in mind, I already sent this to the support, but I doubt I'll get an answer the next months so fuck it 8)

Anyway, I noticed that almost all of our games are of Western origin, and we have a definete lack of some of the 0MGK@WA1 East, namely Japan.
True that there aren't any Japanese PC classics I know so far(except Reccetear), however they ported alot of their console games for the PC, especially around the last fifteen years, and they could be considered "old" and "good", depending how well ported they are(RE4*cough*)

So I have a suggestion to make for the GoG staff:
during March is the famous Sakura(Cherry Blossom) festival, the national celebration in Japan.
Why don't you guys make a Sakura month in March/April and release alot of Japanese PC titles on GoG with a "Free to get" copy of Septerra Core ? (it's not a japanese game, but the closest to what we have here 8P)

PS.: I am no Otaku or any kind of weeaboo.
OMFG. I was just about to start a thread about this. : O

I agree. I'm curious about the good old games that are out there that were never released here in the States. I know we've been missing out!
Doing anything like this is completely dependent on GOG getting some of these Japanese publishers and developers on board with the service. Currently, there are none involved in GOG, so it would be difficult, if not impossible to pull this off.
Ooh, I can think of a Japanese publisher right now who has just signed a deal with a certain Polish company who may or may not own GOG hint hint. I wonder......
Tantrix: <snip>
I'd like to finally get to play them. Never had a console.
Ulalume: Ooh, I can think of a Japanese publisher right now who has just signed a deal with a certain Polish company who may or may not own GOG hint hint. I wonder......
If you mean Namco Bandai, their only PC related games were Pacman,Dig Dug and.... Warhammer 8P
If somehow Treasure or Nippon Ichi signed up to GoG and started putting all their classics on here it would be freaking awesome.
(but will never never never never never never never never never never happen)
I have to agree though, some Japanese games would be super cool.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by evilguy12
evilguy12: If somehow Treasure or Nippon Ichi signed up to GoG and started putting all their classics on here it would be freaking awesome.
(but will never never never never never never never never never never happen)
I have to agree though, some Japanese games would be super cool.
Aren't their games PSX centered? If that's the case it's really doubtful if they join. But who knows....
Treasure aren't really (been porting a lot of their games to 360 as of late, such as Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga) but Nippon Ichi are pretty PS exclusive.
Get Square Enix on board for Final fantasy 7 and 8. At least those are widely recognised games.

Also paves the way for Deus Ex, which I know many here would like.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Miaghstir
Ulalume: Ooh, I can think of a Japanese publisher right now who has just signed a deal with a certain Polish company who may or may not own GOG hint hint. I wonder......
Tantrix: If you mean Namco Bandai, their only PC related games were Pacman,Dig Dug and.... Warhammer 8P
Yeah, Pacman ftw XD

I wouldn't mind seeing some Japanese games, but they are quite console-oriented.
Japanese? Digital Download? DRM FREE? NOT LIKELY (Maybe Falcom if they ever wise up, but probably only Steam even then)
Though a "Shogo+Septerra" weekend deal like that old 2-pack would be cool.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by SirEnity
SirEnity: Japanese? Digital Download? DRM FREE? NOT LIKELY
Yep, I know 8)
Though I am convinced we can get Capcom and Konami on the board, they sold their ports all DRM free AFAIK. Devil May Cry 3 ,Resident Evil 4 Metal Gear, Silent Hill, all reinstallable without a hassle!

Who knows, maybe the reality withdrawn higher ups at SE would definetely give FF VII and FF VIII a comeback for the PC, if someone there would give them the idea first.
Post edited September 24, 2010 by Tantrix
Japan seems inclined to poke DD with a very long stick. Normally such generalisations don't carry any weight, but unfortunately this one seems to.
Navagon: Japan seems inclined to poke DD with a very long stick. Normally such generalisations don't carry any weight, but unfortunately this one seems to.
I personally get the impression they are rather to focused on their new works and rather want to target the current audiences, like the fatass Otakus or the limble pathetic weeaboos who have no self esteem.

I mean, look how succesful Graphic novels are in Japan, which are the laziest tool of developement you can use, because it has FANSERVICE and harem settings. It's no point of denial that Japan has no respect for the classics unless they are from Nintendo.