Sachys: Heheh!
Thin gis your initial description also fits in with vertigo to a degree
Khadgar42: Interestingly the online dictionary (which is quite accurate most of the time) states that
vertigo [psych.] = Höhenangst (which is exactly what I meant) = fear of heights.
So I'm not that far off, but I don't want to be nit-picking. I suffer from fear of heights - in video games and in real life.
I find the differences from game to game very interesting though.
I'm quite claustrophobic so I can understand that - though my own sense of claustrophobia tends to be triggered by crowds and the likes (I know theres a more specific term), yet in some games I also find it triggered by confined spaces in game - the tunnels in vietcong triggered it really badly - but also allowed me to beat that mission very quickly and easily too.
Now thats an interesting angle - rather than paralysing you, has your fear of heights ever enhanced your game or gameplaying?