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I'm in for the main GOG prize. Thank you for the opportunity, babark! +1
It was difficult for me to come up with devices without first imagining the world. So please, bear with me.

From my point of view an interesting theme to explore in an adventure game would be the clash of ideologies between the oldschool string users and the new industrial string users. The oldschool would use for their technology wind power and, their most efficient fuel, music. The industrial string users would fuel their technology using rhythmic drumbeats generated by thousands of workers and also the roaring sound of waterfalls.

The oldschool would use simple music to relax their livestock thus avoiding unnecessary accidents, while the industrials would use the drumbeats to scare their livestock, thus achieving maximum efficiency while moving them to new locations for grazing.

The oldschool would use the hugely tall ancient trees, grown by the music of their ancestors, to attach hundreds of thousands of wind chimes that would generate the vast majority of the music required for their technology. Only the elders and the very talented would have mastered the skill required to single-handedly power their technology using music. The industrials would have constructed huge factories where humans drummers would rhythmically generate the impulses necessary for their technology. As a more constant source of fuel the industrials would use their massive work force to change the landscape to create huge waterfalls for the roaring noise.

I imagine hashish smoking houses where the smoke could be influenced by the sound waves. The oldschool would use the herbs to enter a meditative state while music would generate images out of the smoke, to re-tell the stories and great feats of their ancestors. The industrials would use drumbeats to create an atmosphere similar to a rave party, where the workers in their free time, under the effects of the herbs, would coordinate their dance in an orderly manner, leading to a state of mind of compliance, almost brain washing them into being efficient members of society.

The oldschool would live in small communities where the news would travel by word of mouth at communal meetings, while the industrials would use propaganda newspapers, manufactured in factories where hundreds of “scribe drummers” would use string driven typewriters to copy texts.

The oldschool would use small canals with an inner lining of very thin strings that, when exposed to the constant soft vibrations, would transport water uphill. The industrials would use the powerful impulses of their drummers to force bursts of water through pipes, up great heights, to store it in large water towers.

For long range communications both societies would use a similar concept, vibrations sent along strings. The industrials would make use of a code, similar to Morse Code, to translate and then decode the message. The oldschool would use a soft constant vibration, akin to white noise, to stream the actual message along the strings. The message would also be coded but this time using musical themes to interpret the meaning of the intended message.

The oldschool would use cable cars that would be slowly propelled by the steady oscillations transmitted through the suspended strings. The industrials would use the powerful rhythmic impulses, generated by their factory drummers, to constantly push their trains along the tracks.

The oldschool would use music, amplified by large resonance chambers, that would take most of the space on their ships, to generate currents in the water thus allowing their boats to move swiftly even on windless waters. The industrials would use their drummers to send vibrations throughout the membranes that constitute the hulls of their ships, causing them to contract and then relax, thus generating a slow jerking movement, similar to that of jellyfishes.

The old school would use large tanks to store salt that gradually melted when exposed to constant vibrations, thus heating their homes during the night, when the temperatures dropped. The industrials would heat up the water that they stored in huge reservoirs by utilizing the constant powerful vibrations of their waterfalls. The heated water would then be circulated through radiators to provide warmth for their homes.

The oldschool would use the generated power to slowly vibrate the air in their homes thus creating constant air currents providing the necessary comfort during the high temperatures of the day. The industrials would use large amplifiers, akin to woofers, to generate bursts of sound pressure that would mechanically force the air to move.

Due to the valleys that they live in, where the winds never stop entirely, the oldschool would have no need to store additional string energy, but the industrials would use huge string coils that tighten up when exposed to the strong impulses of their drummers, and then just like a wind-up clock, rhythmically release the stored energy.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by MadalinStroe
I"ll throw out an idea based on my own electrical engineering schooling: Transmission.

The act of a transmitted signal is energy being amplified outward through an antenna, and being received and separated by another similar system to remove the two signals to get just what you want.

When you think of it, sound itself is the same way, transmission. Energy ejected through the air, amplified by impact, received by a device, biological or otherwise, that converts the vibration into an audible signal.

With this in mind, you simply do the same thing with strings and sound: You inject a signal, sound, impact, voice, whatever, through string, causing vibration. Energy localized through a second source causes that signal to grow stronger, until it is ejected as a pressure wave outward, focused as to prevent as much pressure loss as possible. A tuning fork could work as the receiving and emitting antenna, attached to a network of strings. When it receives, a series of fibers dampen the signal down until it can be emitted through a speaker, which can be made with something as simple as a metal can, or a string-circuit using electricity generating quartz.

I know this is somewhat more hocus pocus, but I think that something this could possibly work in the real world in some capacity if given the time, knowledge and effort, so I think this would give you some interesting ideas for what are typically modern electronics, such as Radio, Telecommunication, Transmission, Radar, and so forth.

Thanks for the giveaway, I'm in.

(Final note: If by chance I happen to win a prize in some capacity, please note that over the weekend from December 13th (Wait.... shit, there goes my chances of passing) starting that evening, and until Sunday afternoon, I will be unable to accept as I will be located in an area without internet. Should this occur and I do win a prize, please offer me a couple days to reply, and a message so that I can quickly get in touch. Thank you again)
Post edited December 08, 2013 by QC
gbaz69: Another idea, different ways to produce music :D Not everyone can have a 16 piece orchestra!
Besides the string powered ipod/speakers, can't think of anything else.
Sure, not everyone can have a 16 piece orchestra, but the discerning customer can! ET's Folding Orchestra is the perfect product for the music connoisseur. Available now for 599 pieces of eight or its equivalent in bitcoins.
babark: or a boring random draw.
Ouch man, that hurts.

Not in for the give away but I guess I'll throw an idea out there; A string telegraph machine, played as a Zither with a Fingerpick. Telegraphers would simply use the notes and what key they're played in to get letters.
Iunno may be already suggested/dumb I don't know.

Good luck with your game by the way, it's a heck of an under-taking!
Sound waves can be use to push things around, so basically, you could imagine an engine that instead of using the powerful pressure created by fuel's tiny explosions, to be powered by the gentle push of sound, or a sails that are pushed by the singing/performing of the sailors.

Sonars for medical instruments. Of course, radio would be more important than TV, and TV would not be the same as we know it but instead, a mix of sound waves that create the illusion of an image.

I really liked Chimerical's idea of Can-on-a-String communication. You could have a chaotic setting in a communication center. Imagine a room full of strings and lots of people making sure that they don't cross or cut.

On the other hand , vibrations can always be used to destroy/cut things,

Ok, I exhausted my English vocabulary... I'll go find a dictionary and get back to this post...

btw, If you are out of ideas, you can always use string theory as a base. ;P

edit: I forgot to say: Thanks, but I'm not in. I don't have either Steam nor Desura. I just wanted to add something to the idea.
Post edited December 09, 2013 by medusa86
babark: or a boring random draw.
Ruubet: Ouch man, that hurts.
Hahah...I didn't mean it like that! I joined your "random" giveaway too, and appreciated it. It is just more fun for me (and not to bad for others, I hope) this way.

Considering how I'm getting even tiny ideas from everyone, I'll probably need to end up crediting the entire GOG forum :D
Ruubet: Ouch man, that hurts.
babark: Hahah...I didn't mean it like that! I joined your "random" giveaway too, and appreciated it. It is just more fun for me (and not to bad for others, I hope) this way.

Considering how I'm getting even tiny ideas from everyone, I'll probably need to end up crediting the entire GOG forum :D
Haha no problem, I was just kidding! I knew what you meant and I definitely considered doing something more along these lines for my give away too. But in the end with 33 games I figured it would be less of a hassle for everyone as a simple opt-in raffle with an Advent Calender theme.

Glad to see you went with something more interesting, spark a little discussion!
Post edited December 09, 2013 by Ruubet
Just over a day left now!
EDIT: Actually, now that I look at it, less than a day left!
Post edited December 12, 2013 by babark
Excuse the double-post, dunno if that is okay or not, but about 6 hours left now!
babark: Excuse the double-post, dunno if that is okay or not, but about 6 hours left now!
6 Hours? I'll have just barely left then if I get drawn -gonk- Well, I'll find out on Sunday, take care.
Armies use jump ropes in their front lines. The jump ropes resonate in such a way that they create a shield against arrows.

Unless, of course, the arrows are shot with the right vibrating bowstring of penetration.

Awesome idea. I love originality.
Okay, time's up, and if I'm reading it correctly, we have the following entrants:

Being as it is pretty late here right now, and it'd be useful to have a little time to mull over my decision, what with those who couldn't be around when the "contest" ended are already gone, I'll take a little time to figure this out. In the mean time, if you want to suggest more ideas for my game, go ahead, but I can't include you into the giveaway.
Wow, that was much harder than I thought, but I've finally gone through all of the ideas, and spent hours trying to "grade" them, because they were all pretty great. I hope there is no issue with assigning the games, I think I followed everyone's instructions, but I wasn't sure if, aside from the first, any of the prizes were worth "more" than the others. I figured Steam>Desura, but still wasn't sure which games someone would want more, so distribution of those games might take a bit longer. I've posted the results in the form of replies to everyone's comments in here, so hopefully everyone gets notified.

The results are:

Winner of the main prize, the $9.99 GOG game, is
Your world-building made a very interesting read, but unfortunately, wasn't very applicable to my game. However, within all the Jazz vs Industrial Metal politics, I found ideas I really really loved: The "Clean Energy" windchimes power station, the sound/music based holographic smoke television, and the coil batteries that wound up to release energy slowly.
So please PM me your desired game, and if it is a more expensive game on sale with the sale price being 9.99, that is okay too!

The runners up:
You obviously put a lot of thought into your ideas, and it shows. Some of your ideas which I really loved were the Torch crystals that glow with vibrations (there goes the main lightsource for the richer contingent of the society!), the music/sound/tone based auto-drying clothes, the drum-based charging of batteries (which works well with MadalinStroe's slow coil discharging idea- I'm not sure a room full of rave party dancers would work in my setting :D), your own higher speed spring-coil idea, as well as your noise-cancelling and protective headphone idea (probably part of the King's guard's uniform now!)
Unless you want a desura key to the Humble Indie Bundle 2, you now have a choice of either Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, or Cortex Command on steam.
I quite liked your knockback shield/bracers. Probably going to be part of the soldier/guard equipment as well!
You get the second choice of Steam game.

I liked BOTH your communication technology ideas. My thought was the tin-can system in the richer neighbourhoods, with the Drum towers placed about sparser and sparser in the poorer or less isolated areas.
Unless you want a desura key to the Humble Indie Bundle 2, you'll get the remaining Steam game.

Your sound-based healing chamber was a really cool idea- I might just include such a room (or two) in my game, or at least references to it. I may even get some use for darkeninng/invisibling frequency device, that was interesting as well.
You hereby get a Humble Indie Bundle 2 desura key, unless you really want one of the steam ones, in which case you might like to wait incase one of the other runners-up want the Desura key instead.

The sound based cells may be how the dungeon (or smaller prisons) will be structured. Awesome idea as well.
You therefore get the final HIB2 desura key, again, unless you want to wait to see if one of the steam keys become available and coxdr doesn't want them.

Thanks to everyone else for their ideas, there were some great ones there too, but unfortunately I only had 6 games (well, 4 games and 2 bundle keys) to give. Thanks to Ruubet and medusa86 as well, who gave some interesting ideas, but opted out of the games.
I'll have to probably name all of you individually if (when :D) it comes time to put you in the credits of my game.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by babark
Cheers, mate, for a fantastic giveaway!
I'll wait for your game to be released even as a alpha version. Always looking forward to see some original stories and settings.

And congrats to all the winners!
Thank you for the amazing gift, babark! For those curious, I chose Eador - Masters of the Broken World.

I'm happy you found my ideas intriguing and I wish you good luck with your game. I think it speaks volumes of the way western RPGs have influenced my way of thinking. I had plenty of ideas about how to create weapons, but I struggled to come up with everyday use appliances.

Congratulations to all the other winners!