lowyhong: Namur let me know how Antaeus Rising goes when you've tried it
Very first impression: DAMN, CHURCH IS FINE :)
Well, i didn't manage to play past the end of mission 4 cause some RL shite got in the way.
I hate elaborate reviews, so in a summed up way this is what i got so far:
. many original gameplay elements when compared with 'similar' RTS games.
. fun integration of the action elements
. good twist of the 'collect resources' aspect
. good story with a very decent ammount of detail
. the soul catcher back story and how it fits into gameplay (it's original)
. decent visuals
. decent voice acting and audio effects (Ransom´s battle cursing is top knotch, eh, eh)
. the ability to jump in and take control of any vehicle at any time
. soul catcher units seem to have a decent AI. And it seems they actually use straffing to their advantage sometimes, which was a nice surprise
. ability to issue sequential orders
. blowing shit up is fun, not to mention helpless ground personnel
. models faces are terrible. A hot chick like Church deserved a better face
. controls, yeah let's face it, they're not great
. minor graphical glitches (the flickering light when on the warmap room)
. some minor interface quirks
. lack of tooltips regarding targets information on the map
. vehicle perspective too close in 1st person, although to be fair i don't know if this can be changed somehow 'cause i haven't touched the manual yet.
Oh, a nice quote from Ransom that caught my attention:
"If there weren't going to be any more churches, then by God there weren't going to be any more people". Very pragmatic.
Thanks again for the nudge. Good call. A nice addition to my shelf.
Now that i know the basics i'm going to start again from scratch cause i'm not happy with my kill count and the absence of medals on my chest :)