CowboyBebop: Examine:
Outside of study window for footprints in snow and a statue with gold coins.
No footprints outside.
The Judge discovers a statue, weighing over 1 lb., inside the bushes. Inside are several gold coins. The edges of the statue are sharp to the touch, and nearly cut him when he picks it up at the wrong angle.
Lounge to see if there's a window.
There is a window here. You tap it, and it flies open. Apparently it was not shut carefully.
Living Room window.
Two windows here, dusty. They have not been opened (or cleaned) recently.
Bathroom window.
There is a 6 inch by 6 inch window in the bathroom. You can't figure out how to open the damn thing up!
What type of shoes is everyone wearing?
Heavy boots:
Dr. Peter Morris
Alexa Costa
Maggie Donnelley
Light boots/sneakers:
Everyone else.
Do they match any footprints outside study window?
No footprints outside.
What does the 3rd burnt letter contain? Does anyone's handwriting match?
LETTER 3 (Matches the handwriting of letter 2, does not match any *collected* samples.)
The letter is burnt and torn, from what you can make out, it reads:
6, a mere 16 years of age, entrusted to my c
or what? So, I could en life throug my re
havior? If I just had one less, that's what I
f. But one is never enough, it bec es 2, it b
ore I know it, I'm lying facedown promi
r to do it again. Now t sad specter wi
ague my career ever, because I had t
the procedure. But not only my career, b
life. If ever there should be eater curs
a secret.