liquidsnakehpks: this is getting ridiculous , we should probably impose a additional 1 month extra and +10 rep requirement for anyone who posts in here without reading the first page , i will pm the other mods about this .
Also got random people adding me in steam and asking for invite direct without posing here.
Also those newcomers simply posting here for invite without reading the first post risk being down repped by others , think about it again and post carefully
Andanzas: I totally agree with that. Actually, make it an additional +20 rep. It's not that difficult to read the first post.
I would agree with both things. Being someone relatively new, I know 20 was an easy and quick number to get to. Not only would adding +20 make most "I'm doing this just to get games" probably decide not to, and it would emphasize people being a part of the community.
I'll be honest, I started off just wanting games, but the overall community of the people of GOG made me not really care about that, but rather enjoy the company and people here... even the "special" people. :)