You have got to be kidding.
Base Rules:
Don't enter for games you have
Do not misrepresent the title being given away
Do not use Adfly or other paying referrals for giveaways.
Don't trade games you win
Absolutely no begging anyone for games.
No extraneous/special rules for public giveaways without mod/admin permission. If you don't have permission, it will be deleted.
Only enter for DLC if you have the required game
Only one SG account allowed per person, so if you have two steam accounts, you still only get one SG account.
Don't enter for anyone other than yourself
Don't use the site as a way around regional pricing
Be active in the forum/chat
Do not publicly submit Humble Bundles or games from them while they are being sold
Do NOT trade or exchange invites for anything of value The chat room is NOT used for trading items/games
Always thank submitters
Do not submit exploited games/keys (Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multiplayer, Eets, etc)
Only one account per IP address
Do not submit Steam accounts.
Please make sure the people YOU invite follow these rules