JMich: Dailies:
Dead Island Riptide (Cards) -50%
Dead Island GOTY -75%
Evoland -50%
Batman: Arkham City -75%
Batman: Arkham Asylum -75%
Tropico 4 (Cards) -80%
Deus Ex Human Revolution -85%
Mount and Blade Franchise-75%
Grand Theft Auto 4 -75%
Ace of Spades (Cards) -75%
Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes (Cards) -66%
Dark Souls -75%
Left 4 Dead 2 (Cards) -75%
Lego Lord of the Rings -75%
Gunpoint -40%
War of the Roses Kingmaker (Cards) -75%
Awesomnauts -66%
Bastion (Cards) -85%
Strike Suit Zero -66%
Current community choice
The Walking Dead (Cards) -50%
Corrections once store stabilises
Edit: Fixed a few things, mostly the flash sales.
Steam fixed Strike Suit Zero to be 85% for the community vote. Though part of me is curious what would have happened if it had won at 66% off even though it's currently 75% off. I wonder how many people would have bought it for the lesser discount?