Smannesman: Anybody recommend State of Decay?
I kind of like the sound of it, but it sounds like there might be a lot of boring survivor management and time-based missions in it.
I have State of Decay and the Breakdown DLC. You can check out the gameplay videos on YouTube. I recommend them with a condition: the game has to be played with the Zombie Standard Time (or Masterclock) mod.
State of Decay is a single-player open-world RPG. However, the game has TWO big problems that turn off many players:
1. It has a "persistent world". That means time passes in the game world even when you are NOT playing the game. Your characters continue to consume resources and lose morale even when you are NOT playing the game.
2. The game also uses "roguelike save". You cannot manually save game. It has only one save game. The game automatically saves at intervals and when you quit the game. Which means if you screw up or if one of your characters die, you cannot backtrack to an early point. Roguelike save is fine...
for a short casual game. For a RPG that can take an upward of dozens of hours or close to a hundred hours to complete, Roguelike save is simply an inconsiderate implementation that disrespect the customers' time.
The development studio has refused to removed those two what they called "features". As far as I know, the overwhelming majority of players hated those two problematic "features". Everyone has been complaining, but the studio has simply refused to do anything about it. (It's kinda like how Blizzard has refused to add an offline single-player mode to Diablo 3 even though most players wanted it.)
So, there are two major mods that solve both problems: Masterclock and Zombie Standard Time. Both allow you to "stop time" when you are not playing the game. Both allow you to create multiple save games. However, the two mods are not compatible, but you really need only one. Most people seem to prefer Zombie Standard Time over Masterclock.
I would NOT recommend the game without playing it with one of the two "time/save mods".