gooberking: And how are developers going to issue those keys in a reasonable way? They most likely would do it via GOG, because that is what people would eventually expect. To go to their downloads page and click their steam key button just like everywhere else. How long do you think that could go on before those unique benefits of buying from GOG start drying up when they start acting like everyone else? May there is no slippery slope here, but there very well could be.
They could do it just as the Unepic devs have - issue a key that is redeemed on their website. Or yes, they could just put the Steam key directly on our account page. I still don't understand why you see this as taking away value from GOG. You're adding value, not removing it. Like I said, for games that are sold on both Steam and GOG, I would always buy the GOG version if the devs made a habit of issuing Steam keys. Likewise, if Steam were to suddenly issue DRM-free games to all Steam game purchases (which they will never do), I would probably stop buying GOG games altogether.
The alternative is that I have to buy the exact same game twice, which is really ridiculous, especially if you're someone who buys a lot of games. Do you think that is reasonable? I have been with GOG since the beginning and have over 200 games in my library, but I have bought far fewer games from them in recent months for this exact reason. I'm tired of having to pay double just so I can get the few features Steam offers that GOG does not.
gooberking: Saying that there is no downside for GOG flirting with Steam is extremely optimistic. GOG's customer base is loaded with people that shop here based on a very unique value system within the industry. There are most definitely lines GOG could cross that would would cause many in their user base to bail the boat, and lots of people here are passionately anti-steam. While there are some short-term pain, long term gain arguments to be made as to if it is a positive move, but I think it would be very a rocky thing for them to do so, and in no way all sunshine and smiles.
GOG would not have any part in this matter. They do not have the capability, either legally or technically, to prevent devs from issuing Steam keys. If need be, the devs could always verify our GOG purchase through an email receipt, which would take GOG out of the picture entirely.
Do you really believe there are a significant number of people here that would leave GOG if the developers who sold their games here started issuing Steam keys, especially compared to the number of people who would buy
more GOG games, like me? Are you going to boycott the Unepic dev because they are giving out Steam keys to those who purchased the game on GOG?