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high rated
I just purchased the THQ Bundle on Amazon but since I already have most of the games included in it I thought I'd give away the keys I didn't need.

To give everyone a fair chance state which two of the following games you wish to be considered for. Please note that anyone who hasn't been a member for two months cannot enter.

The games available are as follows:

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor (earthclaw)
Darksiders (ISHAOLM)
MX vs ATV Reflex (won by spoderman)
Metro 2033 (won by ggf162)
Red Faction Armageddon (sloganvirst)
Saints Row 2 (Won by Shadowmirage)
Saints Row: The Third (Won by Sachys)
Supreme Commander (VIPERs)
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (won by mick779)
Titan Quest Gold (Won by teshra)
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II - Gold Edition (Won by Malv0isin)
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War Gold (Won by CthuluIsSpy)

I will select some winners at random intervals until there are no more games available.

Good luck everyone x
Post edited February 03, 2013 by MoonGoddess

Company of Heroes: GOTY
Warhammer Dawn of War II gold

Thanks for the chance!
Saint's Row 2 and 3, please and thank you.
Thanks :)
I'd like to enter for

Titan Quest Gold
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War II - Gold Edition
Post edited January 20, 2013 by Big_Boss

thank you for your generosity! (+1 ^^)

I would be interested in Surpreme Commander and Surpreme COmamnder Forged Alliance.

Edit: Whoops somehow got confused with game titles.

I'm not in.
Post edited January 20, 2013 by Luciendar84
Awesome stuff, thanks for the chance. Do you mind if I join for Dawn of War Gold even if I already own part of it? If not I'll edit this post later.

Also, I was under the impression that Company of Heroes GotY wasn't in the form of Steam key. Guess I was wrong.

Edit: I was going to take part in this giveaway. But I'm not anymore, because I have some awesome friends. Good luck everyone!
Post edited January 23, 2013 by retsuseiba
I'm in for:
Saints Row 2
Supreme Commander.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for this giveaway. Count me in for Titan Quest and Darksiders .
Post edited January 20, 2013 by rAVEN23
Do we have to enter for 2 games? I have everything from the list except for 1 game. If I can enter for just 1 game, I'll be entering for MX vs ATV Reflex. Thanks for the giveaway!
Count me in for Titan Quest and Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II Gold, thank you. +1
Post edited January 20, 2013 by triock
not in as I have all i would play but +1 to you
I would love Titan Quest Gold, but I dont really need any of the others, so theres no point in naming one, thanks for the giveaway! :)
Thanks for the giveaway, +1

Saints Row 2
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

are the ones I'd like to enter for.
spoderman: Do we have to enter for 2 games? I have everything from the list except for 1 game. If I can enter for just 1 game, I'll be entering for MX vs ATV Reflex. Thanks for the giveaway!
Not at all. You can enter for only one game if that is al you want :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm only interested in "Saints Row 2".