mcneil_1: That is a good question, I was just going by what valve posted on their new page earlier on: "Gamers will have a final opportunity to get their favorite games on Steam. A select number of the most sought-after titles from the Steam Holiday Sale will reprise their biggest discounts for two additional days. The Encore Weekend begins at 10am PST on January 5th (Saturday) and run until 10am PST on January 7th (Monday).
Check out the Steam homepage for more information!"
Coelocanth: There will definitely be some great repeat deals. But if the deal you
really want doesn't show up, just wait until the summer sale and play some of your backlog until then (because you
do have a backlog, right?) Games you want will always eventually show up on sale again.
I do have a backlog, and so does my friend (I certainly gifted him Deus Ex, at least). but due to circumstances, it seems he must have retribution
now. So maybe I miss out on the better deal, but it's still better than not getting it at all.