spoderman: I got my tracking info for the Steam machine, it's estimated to arrive Tuesday. In other news, Valve added most of the free games to my account. Since I had already owned Half Life 2, it gave me a HL2 gift copy. Who should I give this too? Has anyone seriously not played Half Life 2?
Surprisingly, not. (And not really trying to steal Nirth's spot, mind, just commenting.) It's a relic of my years of Steam boycotting. Quite shocking, given how much I love the first game, but I guess DRM-resistance mattered to me even then. I only ended up getting Steam for the free Portal, then only started fleshing it out after the THQ Humble Bundle. After getting more used to Steam's idiosyncrasies, I've been meaning to get HL2 one of these days, wishlisted and all, but when sales hit, there always seem to be more pressing buys. And I do like to keep some coin in the Steam wallet, still regretting having it dry for the crazy low Rome or Tomb Raider glitches. That, and I've come to realise, having played the demo and some newer shooters, how the game isn't really on the level of its predecessor, whatever these so-called "critics" might say. So, that buy is still on hold ;)
Also, question: are you going to be under an NDA (how much), or is that letter you quoted really all there is o.O