Posted March 27, 2012
abolat: With regards to how, I have no idea to be honest. Haven't had a problem since I left the US though...
Quite frankly, I'd be very careful with how you handle this. If the game was $12.50 in your current region and you keep pressing this and Valve find you were purchasing overseas with a billing address that doesn't match your current region, they could very well disable your account permanently. They don't take too kindly to people trying to circumnavigate regional pricing/restrictions when purchasing themselves directly (i.e., not gifting/trading).
And as I say, the fact you were even able to make the purchase via the client (I gather?) is rather strange as you tend to get a generic error in such cases that prevents the purchase. When overseas Steam support will generally instruct people to purchase from the website using the ?cc=XX method (and I assume after removing some regional block on their end) but purchasing through the client is generally not possible as the region cannot be changed (without the use of proxies/VPNs).