predcon: I have a satellite ISP, which provides speeds "up to" 1.5Mb/s, which is usually the speed I get when I'm downloading something from Steam. The trick is to pick a "Download Region" (found in "Downloads + Cloud" in the Settings menu) closest to the "gateway" through which your ISP connects you to the web-at-large. In my case, the gateway is in Wichita, Kansas, and the closest Download Region to it is "US - Dallas", even though
my physical location is on the Atlantic Coast. I would imagine it's the same for cable and DSL users, since even then a user's PC doesn't go straight to the web without going through a gateway.
The only trouble I have when downloading stuff with steam is that the "Pause(All)" and "Resume(All)" buttons on the "Downloads" tab don't function the way they should. I have to switch to the Library tab, bring up the right-click menu for whatever game is downloading, and choose "Pause Updating", then "Resume Updating", and then "Pause Updating" again to get it to pause fully, and even then it takes it a minute or so to come to a "complete stop" (i.e. it'll download another 10MB before stopping).
Ive tried the only 2 regions in my country.