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well maybe a better link would be in order, seeing as the link provided says nothing about 1$ = 1euro
anyway, doesnt affect the UK. prices remain unchanged.
custardcream: well maybe a better link would be in order, seeing as the link provided says nothing about 1$ = 1euro
anyway, doesnt affect the UK. prices remain unchanged.

See discussion in steam forum to see the effect of new pricing. Seems like some countries got 50% or more price increase :p.
I am lucky, I live in Turkey and it doesn't affect Turkey. Prices remain unchanged, $ again.
Anyway for unlucky ones you can join this Steam group to show your anger and disappointments.
Post edited December 18, 2008 by acare84
nice move from steam, they are dead for me now.
Well, I guess there's no two ways about it. Steam just lost every european customer who can think for himself. I just logged onto my Steam account. There wasn't even a news update about the change, nothing. But all the prices in the Steam store was suddenly in Euros, and Denmark isn't even in the Euro zone!
Goodbye Steam, goodbye Valve... You suck.
fyi: the new and "improved" prices already include vat. if you calculate that in the old prices the increase isn't that much. but still, when you compare their prices to retail releases it just doesn't add up; fallout 3 is 50 eur - come on, i've paid 56 eur for the collector's edition (shipping included!). left 4 dead is 45 eur. in retail it costs ~36 eur. wasn't once the point of steam that it was more convenient than buying retail (and perhaps a bit cheaper)?
andrejg: fyi: the new and "improved" prices already include vat. if you calculate that in the old prices the increase isn't that much.

I beg to differ.
Comparison in Poland, store (pretty much the same guys as the gog team). Just some random games.
Left 4 Dead:
Steam: 44,99€ (184 PLN) 120 PLN
GTA 4:
Steam: 49,99€ (205 PLN) 139,90 PLN
Call of Duty: WaW:
Steam 49,99€ (205 PLN) 119,90 PLN
Far Cry 2:
Steam: 49,99€ (205 PLN) 79,90 PLN - that is MORE THAN TWO times cheaper!
And all of those games on are with the box, manual etc; I have a guarantee they will replace any broken CDs for as long as I have the game; I can sell it used via their store, I don't have to pay for delivery (I live in Warsaw - they have a store there), and with EACH additional buy I get some amount of "virtual money", so that next games bought will be even cheaper than that.
So - what can Steam offer me? Insanely overpriced games, DRM, and I have to be online to play them. If Steam goes bankrupt one day I can say goodbye to the whole collection. Does that sound like a good deal to you?
Hah, dollar is going to die when Fed starts to print money like a squirrel in a vacuum is trying to breath.
Bof, I've never purchased games from Steam (I've got it on my HD because of the Half-Life 2 original disk) and I won't start neither now nor for the time being :-P
Just when $ is goin' down and € goin' up. Damn it!
Lucky me I bought Aquaria yesterday for $ and now I have no intention to buy any other game from Steam till they fix prices.
they might be trying to hedge against future currency fluctuations by setting hard prices rather than ones based on currency disposition.
In the short term this utterly screws over european customers in price. In the long, long term it could balance out cost between areas if prices fluctuate the other way. Who knows, the dollar could rise above the euro in a few years and then the US customers would be screwed. Not that I'm saying this change is at all cool for the European customers, but I can see the logic in what they're doing... not sure if they considered the customer backlash though.
For all those reasons, and more, that's why you won't catch me on STEAM. And a little off topic, and don't know if you noticed but itunes store is the same thing (has restricted access to some material by europe and the prices are 0.99€ instead of 0.99usd)
Hey! sahib to the games fromthat store come in english or are localized fo the polish language only?
Post edited December 18, 2008 by Ghostfromthepast
Ghostfromthepast: Hey! sahib to the games from that store come in english or are localized fo the polish language only?

Most of them are localized but some are left in the original version, there's suitable info on every game's page ("Wersja językowa" to the left of the game image - if it says "w całości po angielsku" it's the original one, anything else is localized, fully or partially). Check the GTA 4 page ([url=][/url]) - it's left intact.
Ghostfromthepast: Hey! sahib to the games from that store come in english or are localized fo the polish language only?
sahib: Most of them are localized but some are left in the original version, there's suitable info on every game's page ("Wersja językowa" to the left of the game image - if it says "w całości po angielsku" it's the original one, anything else is localized, fully or partially). Check the GTA 4 page ([url=][/url]) - it's left intact.

Thanks for the info. :) (and translation) ;)
They are sending games only in Poland. They aren't sending packages to other countries.
I used to like steam. I don't like it that much now.
Post edited December 18, 2008 by Rondel