Gundato: So, because they didn't play Starcraft at LANs, they don't have any interest in LAN gaming?
That wasn't what I was saying, but you're right, I was being foolish.
Christ, did I murder your child or something? How did a debate turn into "actually have real friends" and "ignorant, childish and without merit"? Also, I don't think I quite understood the point you were trying to make with your sarcastic, "childish" outburst, so could you at least proofread for spelling and pronunciation before you throw mud at me?
A keyboard is an excellent place to check what you say before you say it. I suggest you calm yourself, collect your thoughts, think long and hard about the correct words you should use to make your point and how insulting the individual will not help your cause. Get back to me when you've done that and maybe I'll listen to what you're saying.