Posted September 11, 2010

Having said that, the game is still fun to play casually. The placement system is pretty thorough, so you will almost always be placed in the correct bracket and will play against others of similar skill. You can learn from every single match you play, whether you win or lose, and you can use that knowledge and experience to get better the next time. It's a blast to play team games with/against friends, especially if you have voice com enabled. And as always, don't place too much value to winning or losing and you will have fun. If you're the kind who always has to win, then yea, this game can be very demanding... but the game is also good if you're just looking to have fun with some friends or such.
How is it compared to SC1 gameplay wise ? That dosen't seems to have changed that much and I wasn't that bad against the AI (110 average apm), which I found quite effective or at least reactive if you don't used exploits. My feeling watching the vids was that the maps where smaller and that basically you had to storm on a straight line to find your opponent, harass him and destroy him after a few skirmishes. I always preferred big maps where expanding and long term fighting actually made it more a game to like for me than a rush fest.
Post edited September 11, 2010 by Narakir