Wishbone: Speaking of custom maps, initial videos before the game's release showed some of all the nifty things you could do with the editors. There would be custom content galore of every kind imaginable... So where is it? I've found lots of sites with custom maps for download, but I haven't been able to find any function in the game for loading them. So how does it work, exactly? Does anybody know?
TheCheese33: If you want an example of what's been done with it in the finished product, look no further than the "Viking" arcade cabinet in the Cantina. A couple of custom maps like the tower defense one have somewhat utilized the extreme promise with the StarCraft II editors, but I'd imagine it will take a little longer to get anything radical. People are still experimenting with the tools, so I'd give it a couple of months before any significantly different content is released.
Upon re-reading my post I realize I may have phrased my question awkwardly, but what I was really asking wasn't "Where can I find custom content on the internet", but rather "How can I actually open that content in the game". I've since figured that out, but I must say, I'm less than impressed with how Blizzard have implemented it. There really isn't any way to load a custom map from within the game. You have to drag a map file to your SC2 shortcut, which will then launch the map. And that's only for singleplayer maps. If you want to play multiplayer custom maps (and I haven't tried this, but this is the description I've read on various forums), the list of available multiplayer games is sorted by the popularity of the map in question, and you cannot sort it otherwise. So if you don't want to play one of the most popular maps, you have to keep clicking "next page" until you find a map you like.