stonebro: This sheds some more light on why zerg have been repeatedly nerfed. If the Koreans are so heavily favouring zerg, there must be something up with the balance. After all, game balance shouldn't be discussed by the EU/US platinum players. The EU/US platinum players would have to work hard to stay in the bronze leagues in Korea.
Just like BW, how SCII will ultimately be played will be dictated by the Koreans.
Actually, that is not true, for the most part. While asia won 4-0 in a recent team tournament vs EU, it was far from being a steamroll. The reason korea is so dominant in SCBW is because they live in their professional Team House where they practice 12+ hours a day (minimum requirement). The korean esports organization 'Kespa' is trying very hard to make as much money as possible from SCBW, and they currently consider SC2 (and especially Blizzard itself) a huge threat, which has actually led to them banning players associated with Kespa (all of them) from participating in Blizzard sponsored events, and they also allegedly pressured the government into giving SC2 an Adults Only (18+) rating in Korea which would prohibit minors (which a lot of players are) from buying the game.
What this means is that there are very few professional Korean SC2 players. That's probably how it's going to stay until Blizzard and Kespa can work out their differences. It certainly won't be as big as SCBW is in Korea until then.
Now, when it comes to WC3, Koreans and Europeans were on par with eachother, with the Euro players being horrible and Undead and Night Elf (which the Koreans were great with, especially Night Elf) while Koreans were horrible with Human (which was considered completely overpowered in Europe).
The lesson to learn here is that perhaps there is no need to nerf Zerg, perhaps it's just that Korean players are better at playing Zerg, simple as that. Then again, it is a beta so I'm all for Blizzard experimenting around with pretty much anything trying to find what works and what doesn't. I just hope they don't get too nerf-happy overall, Brood War was a game where completely overpowered imbalanced units simply countered eachother by being even more overpowered, which caused the game to be extremely explosive and balanced at the same time. A game that's been nerfed too hard for the sake of so called "balance" will just end up feeling powerless and not very fun to play.
Sometimes, it's just up to the players finding the right tricks to balance the game out, without any patching.