Posted July 29, 2010

Expanding? Hm. They shouldn't be expanding.
Here's approximately how I beat this mission on hard:
The first part is self-explanatory, use the firebats to burn your way to the base. Remember to pick up any mineral and gas pickups you see off the road.
While waiting for the first truck, get the SCVs going and build more SCVs. Start getting marines out. A bit before the truck starts, send your force up the road. You'll discover the first bunker. Let it be for now and wait here for the truck. Escort it to the end, then head back to the first bunker.
Build one more bunker here and fill them with marines. There's another spot on the right side of the road, also place two bunkers here and fill with marines. Finally there's a spot on the left side of the road almost at the starport. It'll take you 2-3 passes to get all the bunkers up and filled with marines, so use mercenaries for escort. Once you have bunkers blocking all entry points the mission is a breeze, however keep the escort to fend off any ambushes (there are some on hard at least).
The collectibles for the side objective are further in the map at the first and second bunker spot.