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TheCheese33: Is there a certain time limit you have to do this under? I was freaking out because of the expanding Zerg forces.

Expanding? Hm. They shouldn't be expanding.
Here's approximately how I beat this mission on hard:
The first part is self-explanatory, use the firebats to burn your way to the base. Remember to pick up any mineral and gas pickups you see off the road.
While waiting for the first truck, get the SCVs going and build more SCVs. Start getting marines out. A bit before the truck starts, send your force up the road. You'll discover the first bunker. Let it be for now and wait here for the truck. Escort it to the end, then head back to the first bunker.
Build one more bunker here and fill them with marines. There's another spot on the right side of the road, also place two bunkers here and fill with marines. Finally there's a spot on the left side of the road almost at the starport. It'll take you 2-3 passes to get all the bunkers up and filled with marines, so use mercenaries for escort. Once you have bunkers blocking all entry points the mission is a breeze, however keep the escort to fend off any ambushes (there are some on hard at least).
The collectibles for the side objective are further in the map at the first and second bunker spot.
Yohansen: Anyways, give me three good reasons why i should buy SC2, since i'm not a big fan of the SC series or RTS games. I have tried most of the popular RTS games like the C&C series, AOE, WC2,3. What makes SC2 the mother of all RTS?

First, let me get something out of the way. I think I played maybe 30 games of the original Starcraft's standard multiplayer mode. It's far too hectic and stressful for me to fully enjoy it. However, the custom maps are truly where it (and Starcraft 2 more so) shines. The Starcraft 2 map editor lets people do anything. There are shmups, there are horizontal beat em ups, people are making third person shooters. These are things you can just boot up SC2 and play with a bunch of other people. It's tons of fun, and is where SC2's true replayability comes from.
Also, the single player campaign is incredibly polished. Every mission has some quirk that makes it unique. Whether it is that lower levels get flooded with lava every few minutes or that you have to escort a vehicle. What makes this escort mission fun? This vehicle is covered in weapons and just needs you to repair it and provide some aerial support. Every mission is something new.
The plot is also very intriguing. I'm not going to spoil anything, but the plot (at the point where I'm at in the campaign) has some interesting twists and turns and it really makes you want to play it to find out more. You can also go around and talk to characters between missions, which is very well done.
Holy crap is it getting hard now. The final missions are very, very brutal in difficulty.
Stuff: I REALLY liked SC but the DRM model and removal of LAN on SC2 was a deal breaker for me. I passed on a Blizzard release for the first time ever. I still WANT to buy it (just not at $60).
What would really be helpful would be some unbiased reviews of SC2 by community members . . pros and cons. There seems to be some legitimate issues. It would be great to hear some of these issues addressed without the automatic beat downs.

-Beautifully detailed campaign, accompanied with a great story, that will hook you up for ~20-30 hours (on normal difficulty).
-World's most reliable online gaming service, fully upgraded for a greater online experience.
-Official ranked online league play, giving you the chance to succeed in pro-gaming.
-Online tournaments, custom games with friends, co-op play against AI of various difficulties.
-Additional free, out of the box challenge missions, no need to pay for DLC and similar stuff.
-Optional RealID integration for cross-game chat.
-Amazing Editor, giving you the tools to make custom maps or total conversion tools.
-Beautiful sounds and graphics.
-No LAN.
Stuff: I REALLY liked SC but the DRM model and removal of LAN on SC2 was a deal breaker for me. I passed on a Blizzard release for the first time ever. I still WANT to buy it (just not at $60).
What would really be helpful would be some unbiased reviews of SC2 by community members . . pros and cons. There seems to be some legitimate issues. It would be great to hear some of these issues addressed without the automatic beat downs.

Custom maps are awesome
Ranked games if you're into that
Awesome single player (mission variety, ability to talk to characters between missions)
Don't have to be online for single player
Custom maps are stored on Blizzard's servers so you don't have to worry about not having the map locally
The map editor is the coolest map editor ever
Difficulty options for the SP missions (if you've played the original SC or BW you'll appreciate this unless you're far better than me)
Awesome soundtrack
No chat rooms as of now (they're going to add them in a patch soon)
Custom game system can be wonky, since most people don't look past the first 10 games, so it can be hard to find people to play less popular maps with
Only one username online
No inter-region play (although I think you can change your region at any time on
No custom kill animations (some people notice this)
Pros/Cons: (depends on your point of view)
If you played StarCraft you will have a head start on SC2 because many of the mechanics are the same
Achievements (some love them, some hate them)
Post edited July 29, 2010 by PoSSeSSeDCoW
stonebro: Expanding? Hm. They shouldn't be expanding.
Here's approximately how I beat this mission on hard:
The first part is self-explanatory, use the firebats to burn your way to the base. Remember to pick up any mineral and gas pickups you see off the road.
While waiting for the first truck, get the SCVs going and build more SCVs. Start getting marines out. A bit before the truck starts, send your force up the road. You'll discover the first bunker. Let it be for now and wait here for the truck. Escort it to the end, then head back to the first bunker.
Build one more bunker here and fill them with marines. There's another spot on the right side of the road, also place two bunkers here and fill with marines. Finally there's a spot on the left side of the road almost at the starport. It'll take you 2-3 passes to get all the bunkers up and filled with marines, so use mercenaries for escort. Once you have bunkers blocking all entry points the mission is a breeze, however keep the escort to fend off any ambushes (there are some on hard at least).
The collectibles for the side objective are further in the map at the first and second bunker spot.

Thanks! I'll be sure to try that strategy when I return to that mission.
I'm thinking about buying the strategy guide, because my multiplayer tactics are abysmal. I just work on building my base up when all of a sudden my opponent has many, many ships and tanks headed towards me. Maybe I'll try the "Zerg Rush" strategy people have talked about?
I usually loathe strategy guides, but this game actually requires strategy.
Post edited July 29, 2010 by TheCheese33
KavazovAngel: ...

PoSSeSSeDCoW: ...

Thanks, good information. I found some other info as well so I'm off the fence now . . . =)
Post edited July 29, 2010 by Stuff
TheCheese33: I'm thinking about buying the strategy guide, because my multiplayer tactics are abysmal. I just work on building my base up when all of a sudden my opponent has many, many ships and tanks headed towards me. Maybe I'll try the "Zerg Rush" strategy people have talked about?
I usually loathe strategy guides, but this game actually requires strategy.

A great beginner strategy is the terran reaper rush. Get two reapers out as quickly as possible and send them to your opponents mineral line. If he has low or no defense there, the game is basically won as you kill all his gatherers. Even if he doesn't surrender, you'll have a big edge for the rest of the game.
I usually have the following build order:
SCV - Barracks - SCV - Refinery - SCV - SCV - Supply Depot - Tech Lab - Reaper - SCV - Reaper (send out the reapers) - Factory - Supply Depot - Starport.
If the rush fails I can then proceed with advanced units from the factory / starport.
Anyone has a spare guest pass? :)
KavazovAngel: Anyone has a spare guest pass? :)

If you give me your email I'll send you one.
KavazovAngel: Anyone has a spare guest pass? :)
PoSSeSSeDCoW: If you give me your email I'll send you one.

Same as my username here at GOG, just add dot com. ;)
KavazovAngel: Same as my username here at GOG, just add dot com. ;)

at what dot com? gmail? hotmail?
I don't think (yourusername) will work =P
PoSSeSSeDCoW: at what dot com? gmail? hotmail?
I don't think (yourusername) will work =P

I failed. Sorry, forgot to write the "live" part. :)
KavazovAngel at live dot com. :D
KavazovAngel: *snip*

KavazovAngel: *snip*
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Sent.

Thank you very much! :D But before I use it, is there a way to change the region, since the game's activation page shows that the region is NA?