alexisgondor: Well, i'm not saying the campaign provided is unfinished, but rather what is being offered is an incomplete single player product, which is really all i care about since i almost never touch online in RTSs.
I don't really want to shell out �44.99 (RRP here, though place are selling it for �34.99) for a game which i'll have to buy two episodes/expansions to get the campaigns for the other races. And �34.99 is a hell of a lot for a PC game.
Also i'm not even going to touch on 2.0
Excuse me, when did you become the emperor of what can be considered a complete single player product? The single player portion is complete. If that's what is bugging you, I can confirm that you get to play as protoss in the WoL campaign having finished about half of it. Don't know about Zerg yet, as they seem to be lined up to become the great enemy for the final missions, but we'll see.
There are 29 single player missions, some of which can be played in two distinctly different ways. The original SC had 28 missions i believe? There's more than enough to do, and the content doesn't really feel like it's lacking. In fact, I appreciate the reduced pace at which units are fleshed out to you in this game. Additionally there are upgrade options and tech trees, and a certain freedom as to which mission to pursue next. Some are even skippable. Unless you're a sissy and playing on easy (or normal, as it seems to be a lot easier than hard), expect at least 1 hour pr. mission, and that's if you have a clue about starcraft to begin with. If you want to breeze through the game on easy fine, but don't come complaining about a short campaign later when you basically just turned on cheats.
$34.99 isn't more than you'd be paying for MW2 when it was new. In fact, it's less. Look forward to the $49.99 Black Ops to come. Too pricy for a PC game? What's given you that impression?
You guys just got the completely wrong impression of what SC2 is all about. Meh, your loss.