hedwards: Hmm, I see, so it's not enough to rape the franchise, they need to piss on it and set it alight.
Blizzard used to be so awesome, now they're creating the same sort of crap that the competitors used to play and refusing to sell the older games.
Elmofongo: So the only way to get Diablo 1 is to pirated it or get it in retail?
AFAIK you can buy D2 from Blizzard, but the original is no longer in the battlechest and you can only buy it second hand. I still have my copy, along with Hellfire. But, Anything that old or older from Blizzard gets basically no acknowledgement from Blizzard.
At this point, you might as well just pirated it, the only acknowledgement you're likely to get that the game exists is if they file suit against a pirate.
But in reality, I'd look for it at a second hand shop, they're presumably pretty cheap at this point.