CalamityRanger: That's exactly what I was worried about. I know most people don't play MMOs for their stories but I'm honestly not geared towards grinding pointless quests and not really having a story to keep me interested. I know the last TOR article I read made it sound really nice, like you said the game will give you an actual companion which sounds like it could be incredibly neat (but again it begs the question *why* this is going to be an MMO...).
It's just to make money I think. EA have been very blunt about seeing the future of gaming as always online and service based. I think they know a lot of people play WoW solo and they want to attract more "offline" gamers into online worlds where they have a continuing revenue stream and can basically kill piracy.
That said though I don't think the subscription model works for that. Why should I pay $15 a month to play TOR when something like Skyrim does not charge me that? As a solo player it does not make much sense. Offering at least an option to pay only for content, not gameplay time, would rope a lot more solo gamers in I think.
It does deserve a mention that they have no announced payment plans for TOR, so we could be surprised.