Niggles: So. Anyone really know the gist of the story? just asking...
Emob78: So far from what I've gathered from concept art, rumors, etc is this...
Luke has gone AWOL. Either he was captured or went into exile, we don't know. The 'search for Luke' is probably a big part of the story.
Adam Driver looks like he's going to be playing one of the villains, probably a Sith or Sith-wannabe, some guy who has a fetish for red lightsabers and black armor. His search for Sith artifacts will lead him to a conflict with the heroes. But it sounds like his strings are being manipulated by someone else.
Boyega/Ridley, the two new 'kid' heroes who will take charge as the series goes on. Ridley looks like she's either going to be a Solo or Skywalker kid.
Max Von Sydow. I'm still banking on him being the real Sith master. Some recent rumors contradict this, but I believe it's to throw us off the 'secrets' behind the return of the dark side... hence the title, 'The Force Awakens.' Sydow has too much weight with his voice and his presence to just be playing some side character or robot. If the Sith play a part in the new series, it's gotta have some acting punch behind it. You can't just have Tom Cruise or Jason Statham playing an ancient powerful Sith master.
And C3PO will whine a lot.
Thanks for that. I'm having low expectations of this mainly because its a Disney movie (and will be kid friendly despite the fact the series always had a mostly serious tone about it)
Does sort of bother me it sounds for all intents and purposes a handoff from the oldies to the kids - had been hoping for something more solid with the old cast, but i guess they have aged too much (and who can we blame for such a large gap between all the movies..) ...