tinyE: I really like everyone in here so I apologize if the remark seemed incesitive (spell).
Please, I don't see any reason why you should apologize for that. It's a reasonable theory to some degree.
tinyE: My whole point was that I do think it's odd that ALL of the bad guys are English. If you are doing a WW2 movie from the point of view of the Allies of course the bad guys are going to be German, that is historically accurate, but it a galaxy far far away why the need to give all the villians English accents is beyond me. I guess it just sounds better saying "Fire when ready." with that nice crisp English lilt than say an American sootherner saying " Yall go ahead an' shoot when ye want to!"
Well, for one note that most WWII movies aren't just historically accurate. They often include non-sensical stuff to underline the EVIL nature of "the other guys", just so the audience is more willing to identify with the protagonists. Even in those films which supposedly try to present both sides critically usually the status quo is "allies = heroes, nazis/Japanese = monsters" and any more advanced thoughts are expressed through additional scenes which are often very badly thought out. Same goes for the depiction of the EVIL Russians/Soviets. The truth is that the average guy doesn't seem to mind when Hollywood or a western game developer demonizes his nation. In fact most people I know enjoy satirical or just ignorant depictions of their nation. Most of my German friends love shooting Germans in WWII games or super evil Germans in motion pictures, my brother has lots of Russian friends and taught at a school there, they all seemed to love Freedom Fighters and Red Alert. Also first time I played Vice City was during a student exchange program in France - when a stereotypical French guy made an appearance in one mission my French buddies laughed their balls of. I don't know how Americans deal with that kind of stuff (apparently not so well considering the outrage when Epic's Chinese department announced its shooter where you play as Chinese soldiers and Americans are the bad guys) but the fact of the matter is that Europeans aren't very sensitive about that kind of stuff.
And as for the mystery why the Empire in Star Wars is so British: for one the original movie was AFAIK mostly filmed in the UK so most of the extras and supporting cast - who were mostly necessary for the imperial characters - naturally consisted of British fellas. Additionally the conflict as it was presented in the original movie was somewhat supposed to be an analogy to the American War of Independence so they used that situation to underline this sublime message. I don't think, however, that the average British person is offended by that kind of idea.