Posted January 18, 2010

Actually, it's the other way round. The away missions lack complexity while the space combat has a lot more. I think you're just not very good at it judging from your description of what you need to do:
a) Flying alongside them will expose a single side to enemy fire which will quickly drain your shields + the back and front banks don't deal that much damage
b) you're supposed to keep the ship with its forward side as much towards your target as possible. Why? Because a photon (or other projectile weapons) do a HELL Of a lot more damage than phasers and they do a lot more physical damage so when a shield is down, you can do massive damage.
c) you shouldn't just activate your skills whenever they have refreshed - you need to constantly focus the shield regeration on the spot that gets hurt and then use the skill to regerenate when local regeneration is not sufficient anymore. Also, the skill to drain shields, for example, should only be used when it needs to be drained. If you're blasting away and one side is gone, there's no need to use that skill! Use it when he suddenly starts to turn away from you, to reduce the shields at the other side of him which are still at 100%. Evasive Maneuvers you keep when you're under heavy attack and need to quickly turn your most shielded side towards the most fire or when you need to duck between asteroids.
With most of those skills, it's a matter of using them at the right time. This is not WoW where you can just click down the row of abilities on every single enemy. Most of these skills will be completely useless or only have a minor advantage if you use them at random and you'll miss openings for when they really ARE useful. In any case, all this shows to me there IS a lot of tactics and strategy attached to combat. Combine it with the choice of different officers, different ship weapons (with different spreads) and different energy layouts (weapons, shields, speed, balanced) and you got plenty of depth.
Of course, if you go flying in like a maniac shooting at everything and using every skill when they become available, you'll get blown to pieces. The trick is to lure ships away, to use asteroids to avoid fire, to get close to the enemy when your ship is about to blow up (can easily take out another ship if its shields are down), to fight in team and focus on the same enemy on the same part of his shields, etc.
On the other hand, away missions don't have directional shields nor many of the manoeuvres.