dudalb: THe legal mess guarantees we will not be seeing any Star Trek games on GOG anytime soon.
IMHO the Starfleet Command games were the best of the lot. On the whole, Star Trek has not done nearly as well as Star Wars when it comes to games. Lucasarts did a number great Star Wars games before they were seduced by the Dark Side; most of the Trek titles were pretty mediocre. There have been a few good Star Trek Games; but IMHO the Franchise has not produced a game as great as X Wing/Tie Fighter or Jedi Knight. ANd the wierd thing is that usually I am more of a Trek person then a Star Wars person.
Tallima: There's a few more I can think of:
Star Trek Online
Star Trek: Birth of the Federation (played remotely similar to Civilization, more closely to Star Wars Rebellion)
dudalb: Star Trek:Birth of the Federation actually uses the Mastes of Orion 2 engine. It plays likes a MOO 2 Mod, which in a way it is.
Aside from Voyager: Elite Force and Bridge Commander there have been mostly duds in the mix, as well as some forgettable experiments in 90s FMV gambing. I actually think the format of Star Trek doesn't lend itself very well to computer gaming since the story emphasis in the average Star Trek episode de-emphasized ship-to-ship combat or otherwise violent encounters that'd be easiest to convert into the basis for a game. I think a long period in the Star Trek arc the Human Federation wasn't even technically at war with any other space-faring race, if my memory serves.
In my opinion I think a good game could be made from the perspective of playing the Maquis in the demilitarized zone, starting with you, a rogue Starfleet officer, in which you advance in the organization planning raids, piracy, and incursions against Cardassian ships and holdings, both on land (where I imagine a Thief-esque interlude of gameplay) and space (where it could be more Wing Commander-esque in one of those fighter-shuttles they pilot). That'd be a refreshing change of pace to yet another game where you yet again take the reigns of the Enterprise. And hell, get Michelle Forbes to guest voice act, and it'd be a winner. :-)