summitus: Look I love gog and have bought many games here , maybe they should just make it a little clearer that you only own the games for your own use.
KOCollins: You are right, it should be made a lot clearer, Luckily though for us, Lexor found what GOG says about this and has already posted it
here. Though finding it is
too hard I believe. However, whenver you install a game there is a license agreement that more or less says you alone can use the does say I believe that the agreement ends once you uninstall it...So if your friend uninstalled it, maybe it would be technically acceptable to use the game (at least to the game companies, not talking GOG here)...But, if he didn't, you would both be breaking the agreement. Anyways, GOG says please not to do it, so I guess that pretty much ends the debate, whatever we may think. It says in that link Lexor posted to not do exactly what you are talking about doing. I hate to bring bad news, but, it is pretty plain, there at least.
Yes gog says please dont do it and we havn't , although I may have done it in ignorance if I hadn't have started this thread :)
oh and thank you for being one of the few that was nice to me and not a meanie like some of the others ! :)
right of to Bed to dream of going to the Store to buy the Witcher 2 tomorrow .... zzzzzzzzzz
summitus: So that in itself is a form Drm then is it not ?
Profanity: DRM was added to prevent piracy, but it ended up hurting the customer. GoG took the hurting the customer part out, not the customer and all of his freeloader friends.
You can't expect such silly thing to actually exist, these are profit-seeking companies we're talking about. There's a limit to what they are willing to do.
No need to rationalize what you're doing, it's obvious as day to both you and us.
You have mad your point , and I understand ....
although really .... am not a Twat ... I kinda a nice cuddly person if you get to know me :)