Ok, Michaelleung, I'll make a long, drawn out post just for you.
The Gameplay- In of itself, it was nothing special. Standard FPS with a little bit of an RPG-esque feel. However where it excelled was the fact there were actually moments that I was scared. I actually had to stop for a few minutes to collect my thoughts while I played. The atmosphere is just fantastic, and there are some pretty creative creatures scattered though the game.
Graphics- I personally don't care how good the graphics are, but they were passable. Some of the best rain in any game I've played. Some parts were particularly low-res though, especially the little bubbles that represent radiation.
Story- Again, passable. I don't seem to be too worried about how the game unfolding, and some parts never were translated into English, which is annoying, but it works.
Mechanics- The reason I made another segment for this was the fact that it deserves it, but thats not a good thing. The game is buggy as hell, and fan-created patches are a must if you want to play all the way through. In all honesty, there are still times where the bug is pretty big (for example, I can't reload my pistol sometimes. No idea why though.)