Sachys: Yeah I seem to remember that - but i think there were some tweaks and workarounds?!
Elmofongo: Question how RPGish is STALKER.
I know there are quest givers but what about stats and skills, is there skilled in Rifles otherwise you will be either "missing" or not doing enough damage?
Not in the vanilla version, but there are tons of mods - some adding more RPG elements like that. I think inferno was one that utilised such a system
misfire200: I would just like more of a time frame on when the Lost Alpha mod may even appear....=(
When it's done - which it pretty much is. Though of course its an entirely new game in a new version of xray engine so theres planty bug fixing and the likes to be done - dezowave don't want to release another "broken" game... and of course because of the new engine etc, GSC are taking a look at things on each new version it seems, so theres that angle to be considered as well. Considering all the new areas added, storyline and so on it will no doubt be worth the wait.